
ActiveX(TM) Controls

Version 1.02
March, 2002
(C) Copyright Infragistics, Inc., 1997-2002
Windsor Corporate Park
50 Millstone Road
Building 200 - Suite 150
East Windsor, NJ  08520  USA
Voice (609) 448-2000
Fax (609) 448-2017
Internet http://www.infragistics.com

This document contains release notes for UltraSuite. Information in this document is more current than the on-line Help.

Included Samples

The Samples sub-folder of your product installation folder contains various samples demonstrating the use of the product. Brief descriptions of these can be found in the file Samples Descriptions.htm, located in the Samples folder.


Issues Addressed:

UltraSuite Version - March, 2002
Activation removed.

( June, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.

 ( February, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now checks and notifies developer of new product builds


ActiveTreeView Version - March, 2002
Activation removed.

ActiveTreeView Version - March, 1 2002
TRE4931 - In ActiveTreeView version 1.04 build 0001, memory error after nodes are cleared then a child node is added.

ActiveTreeView Version - January, 2002
TRE4931 - memory error after nodes are cleared then a child node is added.

ActiveTreeView Version - December, 2001
TRE4925 - Popup sample uses mouse down event
TRE4923 - Scrolling with the arrow keys does not cause OnDemand events to fire
TRE4918 - Added a node using tvwPrevious does not work when the Sorted property of the Tree is set to anything other than ssatSortNone
TRE4908 - + Sign appears for a node which have no children
TRE4907 - Using Ctrl-V pastes 2 copies of a node instead of just one
TRE4905 - Mouse cursor flickers while dragging the mouse during an oledrag if setting the screen's mousepointer in the OLE events
TRE4904 - Crash when clearing the tree and re-populating it
TRE4903 - OnDemandMode of tree not working correctly in pre-release build 33
TRE4894 - Tree takes forever to add nodes with keys
TRE4879 - The BeforeNodeDelete and KeyPress events do not fire in a Single Document application
TRE4840 - The BeforeNodeDelete and KeyPress events do not fire in a Single Document application
TRE4827 - BeforeNodeClick event does not fire when NodeSelectionStyle=ssatNodeSelectRange
TRE4542 - ValidateSelection does not fire when you select nodes with the keyboard
TRE4472 - When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node appears

( June, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.

( February, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now checks and notifies developer of new product builds

(1.03.005) January, 2001:

4885 - VB gpf's when reset method is called.
4878 - GPF when expanding a node whose image is Nothing.
4877 - Tree in a UserControl on IE 5 doesn't fire the Click event. Also traps the mousdown.
4876 - Tree is not firing beforeNodeClick when a user clicks between the text and icon of a node.
4873 - Fatal Error after deleting a node from the tree, and trying to click on the tree.
4872 - Exposing an ImageList control to sstree control which is on a usercontrol fails with hofix build (102 0024)
4871 - Vertical Scrollbar doesn't work correctly when programatically changing the height of the control.
4868 - Setting Redraw to false, then to true can cause the scrollbar to move to the top. And not move when the user scrolls down.
4864 - Nodes of a Tree inside a DIV disappear when expanded if the DIV is not initially visible.
4861 - Node Text is being cropped when Multiline is true.
4859 - Removing a node that is being dragged leads to an access violation.
4856 - BeforeNodeClick event does not fire when performing a right click on a node in a multiselect tree (NodeSelectionStyle 1 or 2).
4849 - Tree does not paint all nodes and scrollbar locks.
4839 - Error (-2146827908) occurs when attempting to attach the ActiveTreeview control to an ImageList control in MFC.
4834 - Vertical scrollbar appears unnecessarily.
4833 - When setting the dataKey of a node to a non-unique value, you get an error.
4831 - Hotfix 1.02 build 24, vertical scrollbar locks, and does not allow you to scroll down the tree.
4830 - Regression: When setting Expanded = True on a newly added node (set to OnDemandKeep) the OnDemandPrepare and Fetch events no longer fire.
4829 - Indentation of a node is excessively high when using ActiveTreeview in an ATL project.
4825 - Regression: If you set .Expanded = True for a Node while .Redraw = False, the Node will not expand and the +/- box disappears.
4824 - Regression: ImageList property cannot be set at runtime to an ImageList control.
4820 - Expression Uses Dangling Pointer (Bounds Checker bug).
4816 - ImageList property cannot be set at runtime to an ImageList control that is a member of a control array.
4815 - When newline characters are used in a node's text, and MaxLines is less than the number of lines needed to accommodate the text, some of the text disappears, and no horizontal scrollbar appears.
4812 - Userdocument with a TreeView on it attached to an ImageList does not Terminate.
4807 - Not all text for a node is displaying in the tree even though maxlines exceeds the number of lines used.
4806 - Scroll thumb remains at the top when scrolling down.
4803 - Application Error occurs when closing VB if the project contains a usercontrol with an ActiveTreeview using images.
4798 - Scrollbar not displayed when redraw is changed in the collapse event..
4797 - Control beeps when hitting an asterisk.
4796 - When Tree view is resized and node text is wrapped, the last words of the node text get cut off in some cases.
4795 - Node tips are truncated by the edge of the screen; they should negotiate their position based on the control's screen position.
4794 - Setting the 'tooltiptext' of a tree view control at design time causes a GPF when you run the compliled exe project.
4791 - Node images print as black boxes in IE4.01.
4784 - Nodes in treeview become corrupted when repeatedly adding and removing nodes with the same keys.
4780 - ActiveTreeView on a Web page causes a resource leak.
4778 - If Expanding an OnDemand Tree Multiple Levels down, get a blank Row.
4768 - The ReadMe does not list and describe the included samples.
4766 - If the DataKey element of a discardable node isn't set on FetchBuffer.Add, duplicate nodes will appear in the tree.
4762 - After scrolling the ActiveTreeView and deleting an item using the Remove method, item previously at the top of the list is duplicated.
4759 - When resizing a Form with an ActiveTreeView, the scroll thumb of the ActiveTreeView is not correctly sized.
4756 - Setting Redraw to False makes the sccrolbars disappear. This causes a flicker.
4754 - EnsureVisible scrolls you to the right when you try to make the currently selected (and already visible) node visible.
4753 - Display problems when Maxlines is greater than 2.
4751 - Calling a popupmenu in the MouseDown causes the selection to display incorrectly.
4749 - Cannot delete a node when dynamically created in a CView SDI app.
4746 - Node added to the fetchbuffer in OnDemandFetch is being added to the root level instead of the appropriate level.
4745 - If a node is selected, it will remain in the tree even if the OnDemandFetch is fired for its parent and it is not readded to the fetchbuffer.
4740 - Property Page ssppg.dll version 2.0.0068 - Categorized Tab - Enabled should be in the Behavior Section.
4729 - If you click on a node and hit the enter key, the system's default beep event will fire.
4728 - Plus sign does not appear if adding child nodes in the Expand event. Customer claims this used to work.
4722 - Regression: Displaying a modal form in the NodeClick event displays the form, but it does not really get focus.
4721 - Setting the SelectedItem in the AfterNodeDelete event deletes the node you are selecting as well as the node you intended to delete.
4720 - OnDemandFetch fires extraneously when you set the Visible Property of the Tree to True for the first time.
4719 - Tree in OnDemand mode is placing nodes in the wrong places.
4718 - Pre-release version 1.02 build 12 - Plus/Minus sign no longer shows up for root nodes.
4717 - Regression: You can't set ApproximateNodeCount inside the OnDemandFetch or OnDemandPrepare events.
4716 - Invalid keyword "PictureAlignment" in topic "ImagesMaskColor_Property_See_Also".
4715 - OLEDragDrop does not work on the web.
4714 - When using the url properties on an ASP page you can't add a node with an index into the images collection.
4711 - Plus/Minus Sign does not show up until after expanding nodes.
4709 - Node object's 'Expanded' property does not cause children nodes to appear immediately after they are added.
4706 - The sort does not work correctly with characters that have an accent on them.
4705 - 'Enabled' property does not prevent disabled node from expanding when the right arrow key is pressed.
4704 - The value of the 'ApproximateNodeCount' property does not always change to the value it is assigned.
4702 - Nodes cannot be expanded or collapsed via the plus/minus signs when the 'LineStyle' property is set to 0 (ssatTreeLines).
4701 - Unnecessary horizontal scrolling.
4700 - Leading zero in the DEP file.
4698 - Setting the 'ApproximateNodeCount' property to a value > 0 in OnDemand mode causes the 'OnDemandPrepare' and 'OnDemandFetch' events to not fire.
4697 - SSPng.dll is not installed when setup.exe is run.
4472 - When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node appears.
4445 - Text searching does not work in VC.
4433 - The control is using the incorrect ImageList control if two of the same name exist on different forms.
4426 - The Treeview control does not support using an Imagelist control that is on another form.

(1.02.008) February, 1999:

4690 - 'Remove' method is removing more nodes than it is supposed to when the last node in the tree is visible
4687 - When the ScrollStyle property is set to Deferred, the TreeView does not properly scroll. If the user drags the scrollbar and lets go, the position of the scroll bar snaps back to the original position
4683 - VB crashes if you add an image to the internal images collection without a key.
4681 - Nodes are deleted when dragged via OLEDrag
4680 - Tree causes app to hang when maximized if tree is contained within an SSSplitter, and the last node is expanded
4678 - ToolTips interfere with expanding/collapsing nodes via the plus/minus signs
4677 - TreeTips do not appear when the 'ScrollStyle' property is set to 2- ssatScrollStyleScrollTips
4673 - The plus next to a node remains visible after removing the children in an additem tree.
4668 - Setting the SelectedItem to nothing raises an automation error.
4662 - Using the keyboard in multiselect mode causes the subsequent node to become selected instead of moving the focus rect.
4659 - GPF when executing the FetchBuffer object's 'Add' method (NT4 only)
4658 - The word "Initialized" is misspelled in the error message for Error #35613
4657 - DoubleClick event is not generated if the tooltip for a node is displayed.
4656 - Focus rectangle is corrupted when the treeview's contents is scrolled
4655 - An attempt to assign an array to a Node object's 'TagVariant' property crashes VB.
4648 - ActiveTree does not display all nodes when scrolling by clicking under Scroll thumb when NodeText Changes from 2 to 1 lines.
4646 - On-Demand Tree Keeps scrolling if click under scroll thumb after expanding nodes.
4644 - The OnDemand sample does not populate correctly.
4643 - There's a little scrolling quirk when scrolling down causes the Horizontal scroll bar to appear.
4642 - When using Scrolltips on a OnDemandKeep Loadstyle read from a Collection, scrolling to the bottom freezes VB if use ApproximateNodeCount.
4639 - Customer thinks the Nodes repainting is too slow.
4636 - Vert. Scrollbar remains visible when you expand and collapse a node.
4634 - CreateDragIcon is masking the wrong color.
4633 - If you Export a PNG file you Get "Error Loading File" if you try to import it.
4632 - If you delete all the visible nodes and try to scroll back up to the nodes that are visible, Application Error occurs in VB5.exe
4631 - When you have an ActiveTreeview in a VB usercontrol, the keydown event does not fire for the form when hitting Escape.
4630 - Illegal Error (and VB shutdown) occur when you use the internal image list first and then switch to the VB ImageList and then try to switch back to the internal image list.
4629 - When the mouse buttons are reversed, that is, set for a left handed user, our SSTree behaves differently than the MSTree.
4628 - Expanding the nodes in OnDemandFetch causes OnDemandFetch not to fire properly.
4626 - OnDemandFetch does not work correctly when debugging an app.
4624 - Cannot invoke Click event of the menu from menu shortcut key if SSTreeView control has the focus.
4623 - SSTree control looses focus after the confirmation dialog is displayed and closed.
4622 - Last node on the control does not get deleted with the click on DEL key.
4621 - Selected Node/Nodes are deleted before AfterNodeDelete event finishes.
4619 - Cannot display edit window when NodeSelectionStyle property is set to 'Multi'
4618 - First node get selected for a while when you try to select other node.
4617 - Sorted property on the node is not ignored when its LoadStyleChildren is set to value other than 0.
4616 - Newly added nodes are not sorted even though Sorted properties are set.
4613 - AutoSearch not working on DBCS nodes.
4612 - Click on the selected node does not always display the edit window.
4611 - Cannot input DBCS on the edit window of the node.
4610 - If you call EndLabelEdit method inside the BeforeLabelEdit event, UAE or Error occurs.
4609 - OnDemandFetch automatically fires until all the data are loaded when scroll box is dragged to the end.
4607 - If nodes are scrolled with the Up/Down arrow key, nodes do not get discarded and are not requested correctly.
4606 - The buffer can be enlarged but cannot be made small at run-time.
4603 - If NodeSelectionStyle=2, the DragDrop sample project does not work as it should.
4601 - In the OLEDragOver event of Ex-13.vbp, the Effect parameter is being set in code. This should not be set in this event - it has no effect.
4598 - You cannot Remove a node with no text.
4597 - The KeyUp event of the Form is not firing when KeyPreview is set to True.
4596 - OleDragDrop is not working correctly in the ActiveTreeview control.
4595 - Focus shifts to top node when a node is deleted
4594 - The Expand event fires when double clicking on a node with no children.
4593 - Removing a node with a large number of children can cause a GPF.
4592 - Selecting a node and dragging even a tiny little bit within the same node causes the first visible node to become selected also.
4591 - Setting the selected property of a node causes the tree to respond incorrectly to the keyboard (arrow keys).
4587 - Turning off Redraw while adding nodes in Form_Load does not display the node after turning Redraw back on.
4583 - Tree locks up Interdev 6.0 when you click on the Source or QuickView tabs.
4582 - Tree is Blank and GPF's if First Selected Node is hidden and you remove many Nodes
4581 - Tree has display problems when the horizontal scroll bar automatically appears to accommodate long node text
4580 - Tree GPF's if you apply a CTRL-C or or a CTRL-X on a Node with no node text
4578 - Right clicking on the tree does not fire the OnContextMenu event of the container it is in.
4577 - Keypress, Keydown and Keyup do not fire if KeyPreview is true and the treeview did not have focus before StartLabelEdit was invoked.
4576 - The node click event is not firing when the tree loses focus and then gets it back by clicking on a node.
4573 - The VB DragDrop sample keeps the wrong item focused when selecting another item.
4572 - The ActiveTreeView is not receiving the window message WM_CONTEXTMENU.
4570 - Beginning a Drag operation in the MouseDown event ses the selected node to the previously selected node in the SSTree.
4569 - If multiselecting Nodes in the SSTree, then right-clicking to show a popup menu, the last item selected no longer seems to be selected.
4566 - If you use the OnDemand Sample and clik rapidly from one node to the next, sometimes the node you click on does not select.
4565 - Pictures Not Visible unless IndentationStyle = ssatLockToImageWidth and Indented for Images not there
4563 - When OLEDragOver begins, the mouseicon does not change.
4556 - If you display a popupmenu in the MouseDown event to do a LabelEdit, the Edit is cancelled immediately.
4555 - If you store an Array in the TagVariant of a node, you cannot change the value of any elements in the array.
4546 - BeforeNodeClick fires twice if you try to display a modal form in a single-select tree.
4544 - You get script errors when trying to access images in Treeview in IE4 SP1.
4542 - ValidateSelection does not fire when you select nodes with the keyboard.
4539 - Beginning a Drag in the mousemove causes the selected node to bounce to the previously selected node.
4537 - Expand event does not fire when Redraw is False
4536 - Double clicking on a node which causes a change in its location selects a new node on the MouseUp.
4535 - Horizontal Scroll Bar gets corrupted if you resize the control at run time.
4534 - Ex-05.vbp GPF's if you try to look at the property pages of the Tree.
4528 - When on an MDIForm, images added via the Images tab in the custom property pages are not persisted.
4527 - Programmatically scrolling down by setting the TopNode property eventually causes the vertical scrollbar's thumb to shrink.
4522 - IndentationStyle property removes the PICTURE instead of the IMAGE of a node.
4520 - The sample nodes are not drawn when the control is first placed on the form.
4517 - Scrollbars are showing up unnecessarily when adding and removing nodes and using Redraw
4516 - OnDemandPrepare fires when it does not need to under certain circumstances.
4515 - ActiveTreeView takes 4x as long to populate as the Microsoft Treeview when populating large numbers of nodes.
4513 - ATV is eating the KeyPress even when KeyPreview is True
4512 - When you nest a frameset with a treeview in one frame within another frameset, IE4 locks up.
4510 - OLEDragDrop loses selection with Mulit-Select
4507 - Tooltips intefere with Drag and Drop.
- When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node appears.

Important Information

The following is a list of changes made since the previous version. Please see the help file for complete descriptions and examples.

Version 1.02

Keyboard changes have been modified as shown in the table below, changes are bolded.

Keystroke   ssatNodeSelectSingle   ssatNodeSelectMulti   ssatnodeSelectRange
ESCAPE   Cancels selection   Cancels selection   Cancels selection
DOWN   Focus & Selection
moved to next node
  Focus & Selection
moved to next node
  Focus & Selection
moved to next node
CTRL+DOWN   Scrolls without moving
  Scrolls without moving
  Scrolls without moving
SHIFT+DOWN   Focus & Selection
moved to next node
  Selection Extends
including the node
that has focus
  Selection Extends
including the node
that has focus
SPACE   Toggles node selection
  Toggles node selection
  Toggles node selection
CTRL+SPACE   Toggles node selection
  Toggles node selection
  Toggles node selection
Left Click   Focus & Selection
moved to clicked node
  Focus & Selection
moved to clicked node
  Focus & Selection
moved to clicked node
  Focus & Selection
moved to clicked node
  Adds node to selection
  Adds node to selection

- Control now supports the use of the ImageList control inside Internet Explorer
- Two new properties, ImagesURL and PictureBackgroundURL have been added to support asynchronous downloading of images. See the help file for more information.


Special note for Visual C++ Programmers:

There is a known issue with the way the Visual Studio 6 Class Wizard generates function declarations for functions which contain parameters that are pointers to enumerated constants. If the parameter's data type is VT_PI2 (pointer to a short integer), the Class Wizard erroneously declares the type as VT_PI4 (pointer to an long integer). The following modifications must be made to work around this problem:

1. Change the parameter's data type in the class constructor's "Generated message map functions" section. For example:

afx_msg void OnValidateSelectionSstree1(long FAR* SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* Cancel);

should be changed to:

afx_msg void OnValidateSelectionSstree1(short FAR* SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* Cancel);

2. Change the parameter's data type in the implementation file's "BEGIN_EVENTSINK_MAP" section. For example:

ON_EVENT(CAddItemDlg, IDC_SSTREE1, 1212 /*ValidateSelection*/,

should be changed to:

ON_EVENT(CAddItemDlg, IDC_SSTREE1, 1212 /*ValidateSelection*/,

3. Change the parameter's data type in the actual implementation of the function: For example:

void CAddItemDlg::OnValidateSelectionSstree1(long FAR* SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* Cancel)

should be changed to:

void CAddItemDlg::OnValidateSelectionSstree1(short FAR* SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* Cancel)


Known Limitations

- There is a limitation in IE of data, which 4.0 SP1 of 4K for binary data stored on a page. Due to this limit you can't load the ActiveTreeView control if there is more than 4K typically will occur if you are saving images to the pagePictureBackgroundURL properties to download . To avoid this limitation you should use the new ImagesURL and images from a URL.

- There appears to be no way to support 16 x 16 icons through the prop pages using the standard picture object. If you take a standard VB form picture property and attempt to load a 16x16 ico file it will also be stretched to 32 x 32. The work around is to load a 16x16 bmp file into the prop page image list THEN load up 16x16 ico files.

- You may also experience problems if you change the default font at design time. The solution to this problem is to set any font properties at runtime using VB Script.

Data Explorer

DataExplorer Version - March, 2001
Activation removed

DataExplorer Version - December, 2001
In order to handle images on XP systems two new properties for the DataExplorer have been developed to handle ImageList object references rather than HImageList Handles -PVExplorer.TreeViews.TabImages and PVEXplorer.Tabs.TabImages. There is one new property for the OutlookBar for the same reason -Tabs.TabImages.
Also note the following:
DataExplorer you need to set the ImageList to the DataExplorer after if you are adding the images dynamically.

DEX57 - The entire OutlookBar shifts up when you click on a cell of the UltraGrid and covers some parts of the UltraToolBars
DEX49 - BeginCopy does not fire when you call the Copy method
DEX47 - BeginCut and BeginCopy events do not fire when using the .TreeView.Cut and .TreeView.Copy methods
DEX45 - Icons do not show up if image lists are used
DEX40 - Icons in Outlook Bar and data explorer show not up
DEX39 - Outlook Bar button graphics not appearing in XP
DEX37 - Resizer dep needs to be updated
DEX35 - Context sensitive help is not available for any dataExplorer control
DEX34 - Strange key behavior in Window Object
DEX15 - Bad repainting of control on MDI Child form
DEX13 - Buttons of UltraToolBars does not respond to click events when in the right hand pane of the OutLook Bar

Note: This installation is current and equivalent with the latest service pack, (SP2) for version 8 of this product.

What is New in Data Explorer 8.0
* The primary new functionality of Data Explorer is the ability to display multiple TreeViews as Tabs in the left hand pane and to also display tabs in the results pane to configure different looks.
* In addition there is now support for colors for the TreeView and ListView, images on the background of the ListView and bold text for items in the ListView.
* Ability to display multiple TreeViews as Tabs in the left hand pane. Each TreeView can be independently configured and data bound.
* Tabs can be displayed in the right hand results pane to configure different looks on a node by nod basis.
* Support for background and foreground colors for the TreeView and ListView.
* Images on the background of the ListView.
* New BeforeDisplayResultsPane event for centralizing the dynamic configuration of Nodes and Tabs.
* Bold text for items in the ListView.
* Context-Sensitive Help.
*Added right mouse button click behavior for ListView so that right button
selects the ListItem.

Problems Corrected By This Release ( June, 2001:

Data Explorer
- Added new event TreeViewPushPinClicked(displayMode) to fire when the TreeView push-pin gets clicked.
- Updated ItemCheck event ODL from pvxNode to pvxListItem for the object parameter.
- Fixed problem where ListItem.Checked was not getting updated on a double click
- Fixed problem with right pane refresh when multiple treeviews in effect with tabs.
- Fixed AfterDBAutoConfig event firing so that event fires in version 8.0 when column headers are being configured.
- Fixed PaneWidthChanged event so that RightPaneWidth parameter is not -1 but the new size of the right pane when the TreeView is being hidden.
- Fixed problem where scrollbar buttons dissappeared after Groups.RemoveAll called and not coming back when needed.
- Fixed display problems in IE so that the control can display without a delay and within HTML Tables

Problems Corrected By This Release (8.03.002) January, 2001:

Data Explorer
- Fixed buffer overrun for databinding for very long records in the listview
- Fixed pvx file persistence incompatibility with reading pvx files prior to version 7
- Fixed SetSubItem method to take hidden columns into account when the listitems are for the current node.
- Made changes in TreeView object to allow modal forms to be displayed in front of Data Explorer without re-activating the Data Explorer form and thereby hiding the modal window.
- Fixed data binding problem that prevented TreeView node updates from being applied to the database.
- Corrected column index property for ColumnClick event.
- Added BeforeResultsTabChange and AfterResultsTabChange as events to be fired when the current tab is 
is changed thru code as well as manually by the user.
Fixed problem with scroll buttons not reappearing after Groups.RemoveAll called and fresh groups added.
- Updated to prevent AfterItemLabelEdit event from firing twice.
- Updated to allow Return key to end item label editing under all circumstances.
- Fixed EnableGroupPopupMenu and EnableItemPopupMenu properties which weren't taking effect.

Problems Corrected By The Previous Release:

Data Explorer
Fixed Drag and drop to fire PasteListViewItem events even when a node does not have ListItems initially.
- Fixed UseChildWindows property of the cell that multiple keystrokes do not appear for each key press within right pane window objects.
- For multiple TreeViews forced Outlook Display Caption to repaint node text whenever the TreeView Tab changes.
- Set additional TreeView fonts to same as the first TreeView font for tabbed TreeViews.
Fixed CurrentItem property to always reselect the last item displayed.
- Fixed LabelEditing so that only one Group label can be edited at one time.
If using the CustomizeDataTable property, Resizer considers the factor that the user can adjust the datatable column width during runtime.



Issues Addressed:

ScheduleX Version -March, 2002
Activation removed

ScheduleX Version - December, 2001
SCH 49 - DateEdit control defaults to year 2000 when no year is entered
SCH 48 - Multiline appointments do not save/Load correctly.
SCH 44
- Dayview - TopIndex does not work properly in dayview or weekview
SCH 43 - setting up a new appointment object and trying to set the start time causes a memory cannot be read error
SCH 40 - After opening another form and returning to the first, dayview appoinment is selected and has focus but does not fire key press event
SCH 38 - In version 8 if multiple select mode is on and you select an appoinment then double click a blank slot the appointment object is wrong
SCH 34 - TaskPad When you set the due date of a task to none, the Due Date Field value displayed says none, but getting it in code returns today's date
SCH 33 - PVDate not displaying Japanese characters
SCH 30 - The pvcalendar1_change event doesn't fire if you key in the first letter of the month in the dropdown, then using the mouse, you click on the text box to close the drop down.
SCH 14 - Cannt tab to Calendar control with key or via code

( June, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.

- Fixed issue where you could not deselect a date when the calendar was in multiple select mode.
- FreeTimeColor and BusyTimeColor properties now available.
- Added ability to change color Bar of first appointment, BusyTimeColor overrides this property.
- Fixed selection issue where color of selection was different then ColorBar.
- Fixed issue in multiple select when you edited a appointment and then created a new appointment.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to multiple select appointments downward.
- Created workaround for sizing problem when the control is inside Data Explorer on a form with ActiveToolbars also present.
- Can now cancel the BeforeAlarmAppointment event.
- Can now break in the Before AlarmAppointment Event.
- Fixed DayView to allow more then 255 characters in the Description Field. Increased to 5000 chars.

( February, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now checks and notifies developer of new product builds

(8.03.002) January, 2001:

- Improved Calendar functionality for use in the Access 97 environment.
- Fixed Appointment Reading problem so that edit mode is set correctly from the value in the file.
Improved functionality for use in Access 97.
- In read-only mode you could still add appointments and select time slots.  This is now prevented.
Fixed problem with multiple selection (read-only).
- Alarms were not being turned off when alarm was Acknowledged in the AfterAppointmentAlarm event,
can now check whether an appointment was postponed or acknowledged.
- Starting caption on dayview was wrong if you changed the system date before executing program.
- Implemented/Fixed multiple selection editing. Can now edit appointments when multiple selection is on.
- Editing an appointment while shift/ctrl is pressed now can be done
- Resize cursors and Move cursors now can edit appointments.
- Fixed problem that occurred when you changed an appointment to another time that already had
an appointment there, it would not show appointment until refreshed.
- Fixed memory reference error when changing startDateTime and EndDate Time.
- Fixed problem of SetTopIndex not working on FormLoad when the control is not yet sized.
- Fixed TopIndex property to work consistently after setting it the first time.
- Fixed DayView selection so that when SetSelectedSlot is called, the arrow keys will correctly move from the newly selected slot instead of the previously selected slot.
- Added code to prevent Tab keys from starting to edit the control.
- Fixed problem with 24 hour military time not being used on the appointment dialog when editing an existing appointment.

Problems Corrected By The Previous Release:
When the regional settings were not set to M/d/yy, VarDateFromStr was converting the string according to the users locale which would throw the Calendar off.
- Dates with multiple lines of text were not being saved/loaded correctly.
- The AppointmentDialogStrings method didn't have a way to set the "All Day Event", file types in the browse dialog, or the confirm save/delete message boxes.
- DayView wasn't taking the control panel settings correctly for displaying 24-hour time.
- Fixed problem with the TopIndex property not working.


The ArrayProvider sample uses a component called the OLEDBSimpleProviderListener. You can find help for this component via MSDN at the following address: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/dasdk/osp231mh.htm

Release Notes
Notice to Microsoft Visual C++ Users: You will need to update your ATLCOM.H in order to successfully use the UltraGrid in your ATL project. See details below.

AlphaBlending performance varies from system to system. We have noticed that AlphaBlending performance may increase dramatically when you reduce the level of hardware acceleration for your video card. See details below.

This control does not work in Visual Basic 5.0. This control requires an OLE DB binding manager which exists in Visual Basic 6.0.

The samples were compiled using ADO 2.1. If you have Visual Studio SP4, you can remove the reference to ADO 2.1 and replace it with a reference to ADO 2.5 without fear of breaking the samples. The samples have been tested thoroughly in both ADO 2.1 and ADO 2.5.

The IE samples require IE5 because they use an external VBS file. To get these samples to work in IE4, you will need to cut/paste the contents of the VBS file directly into the main HTML sample files.;

IE5 has a problem with printing the UltraGrid on a web page. You will need IE5.5 for this to work.

The DataWidgets Layout Conversion utility which can convert DataWidgets 3.x layouts to UltraGrid layouts requires that you have UltraGrid and at least 3.1 of DataWidgets installed on your system.


Control Notes
For more detailed information, consult the Known Control Issues section of the help file (UltraGrid.chm).

Notes on AlphaBlending
AlphaBlending performance varies from system to system. We have noticed that AlphaBlending performance may increase dramatically when you reduce the level of hardware acceleration for your video card.

To determine if AlphaBlending performance is affected by your video driver's full acceleration mode, please follow these steps:

  1. Run the AlphaBlending samplet in the Samples Explorer project. Move the slider and note the speed that the UltraGrid refreshes the display.
  2. Under Windows 2000 and Windows 98/Me*, right-click on your desktop and select "Properties".
  3. Select the "Settings" tab.
  4. Click on  the "Advanced" tab.
  5. Select the "Troubleshooting" tab.
  6. Reduce hardware acceleration one notch. It should now say something like, "Disable cursor and bitmap accelerations, etc."
  7. Hit the Apply button. Your video driver may or may not require the reboot of your OS.
  8. Run the AlphaBlending samplet in the Samples Explorer project again. Move the slider and note the speed that the UltraGrid refreshes the display.

* AlphaBlending only works under Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE and Windows Me.

Update your ATLCOM.H in order to successfully use the UltraGrid in your ATL project
If you are using the UltraGrid in an ATL project, you will have to modify your ATLCOM.H header file so that ATL can handle enum parameters in control events.

An ATL event sink defined with SINK_ENTRY or SINK_ENTRY_EX will fail to catch an event when an enum is used as one of the parameters for the event. The failure code returned by IDispatch::Invoke is "0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG - The parameter is incorrect)." The event will succeed in another container, such as Visual Basic.

This is a Microsoft confirmed ATL 3.0 bug. For more information on the cause of this issue, and a listing of the changes needed to be made to atlcom.h, please review article #Q237771 on the Microsoft knowledge base. Or, follow this URL:

UltraGrid - March, 2002
Activation removed
ULT2334 - Binding the grid to a DataSource which is registered as a COM+ Server causes the grid to be read-only and selection does not work.
ULT2331 - Calling the Update method of the grid does not update CheckBox columns.
ULT2330 - Clicking from a grid to a Data Widgets OLEDBCombo on a container causes a toolbar on an MDI form to disappear.
ULT2325 - when placing the UltraGrid on a modal dialog in InterDev.... when you click on the grid it crashes
ULT2318 - A memory leak within version 1.01.20
ULT2311 - Calling many refreshes on the datasource of the grid causes VB to exit the application
ULT2308 - Grid has 5 bands does not paint/update correctly
ULT2302 - HasNextSibling(true) fails when band is hidden, and then made visible again
ULT2300 - row.hasChild will return false if all children are hidden
ULT2289 - When cell Edit window loses focus, causes ActiveToolbar to disappear under win2000
ULT2287 - Memory leak in ArrayProvider sample when compiled
ULT2285 - GPF when you use a ssComboBoxEx on a form with an UltraGrid, and the DropDown covers part of the grid
ULT2278 - GPF with Invoice sample.
ULT2272 - Can't update the 4th column in a bound Ultragrid.
ULT2267 - Hitting tab moves focus to the next control instead of simply to the next cell when in edit mode in a cell in an MFC application.
ULT2260 - Stack overflow error when an item in dropdown list is selected
ULT2253 - Delay when column with valuelist receives focus, and when combo is dropped down, when combo has large amount of entries(over 5000)
ULT2247 - Leaving/setting the FieldLen of an unbound column to 0 prevents you from entering any values in a blank cell.
ULT2235 - GPF when customer is opening another form by double clicking on a row.
ULT2225 - GPF when using Clear method
ULT2223 - choosing an item in a ValueList in the AddNew row, nothing appears in the cell

( June, 2001:

- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.

UltraGrid Problems Corrected By This Release( February, 2001:
- Cannot edit Chinese characters on Windows 98.

UltraGrid Problems Corrected By This Release( January, 2001:
2199 - DoEvents in DoubleClick causes column-move ghost.
2194 - Data doesn't appear on the grid from SQL server text type field when recordset is being created dynamically and bound to the grid at runtime.
2193 - Clone method not working for subobjects.
2186 - GetChildFromBookmark results in an error - 40012 Bookmark not found - even though there is a child with the bookmark.
2185 - Scrolling tips do not get past around 40000 rows.
2184 - Setting the group property of a column to nothing causes a gpf.
2178 - Setting properties on the Addnew box in the form load event, causes the initializeRow event not to fire.
2177 - No Arrow Key events fire when focus is on a checkbox column.
2176 - OnSetFocus and OnKillFocus do not fire when focus shifts from the Ultragrid to another form.
2173 - GPF when loading a layout from a stream in the InitializeLayout event.
2172 - Addnew Row does not disappear when canceling the update if bound to a server side cursor.
2171 - Resource leak when loading and saving layouts to a stream.
2170 - PictureAlign is ignored on a button cell.
2165 - DataFilter methods are not called for unbound columns.
2161 - Not all text is selected when tabbing into a cell with masking enabled.
2160 - Binding the grid to a table that has a field with no name causes problems with Column Swapping. 
2159 - No child rows appear if you hide the first child row.
2158 - Changes to the active cell are not saved when closing the form if it is in edit mode.
2155 - When setting focus to first column in the grid and then to the masked column the masked column does not accept any input.
2154 - Mousepointer doesn't change to arrow when mouse is moved over the context menu.
2152 - Text on a multiline cell unwraps itself when cell gets focus.
2148 - When RowSizing is set to AutoFixed/AutoFree, rows do not automatically resize.
2147 - Setting an Unbound Column to or from an empty string does not always paint the cell. 
2145 - Moving from one masked column to another causes the newly entered column to display raw data.
2144 - Calling Unload Me for an MDI Child after editing the grid causes flickering and fails to unload the form.
2141 - Have to click twice on a checkbox to change its value if the value was set in the CellChange event.
2140 - If you bind the grid to a Read-Only recordset, you can't update Unbound columns.
2133 - Contents of an unbound cell go blank when cancelling an update on the row.
2132 - Inconsistent cell contents when cancelling the update of a cell from an "external" event.
2131 - Cell appears blank instead of displaying previous value when hitting escape to cancel the update on a cell in an unbound column.
2130 - If an error dialog is displayed while the InitializeLayout is fired, you will not get the InitializeRow event fired.
2128 - Application locks up when requerying the recordset that the UltraGrid is bound to in the AfterRowUpdate event.
2124 - RowConnectorLines not painting correctly when you add rows to a band that previously had no rows. 
2123 - Value selected from the drop down in second column of the grid is being entered in the first column of the add new row .
2117 - When AllowColSizing is set to ssAllowColSizingSync, scrolling a column into view with LeftAlign = True will not work.
2084 - Grid occasionaly passes wrong Cell value to the ClickCellButton Event.
2075 - Deleting the last row, then minimizing and restoring the form results in the AddNewArea not being invalidated.
2068 - Draw.Appearance.BorderColor is returning incorrectly for ssUIElementPreRowArea.
2063 - When columns are assigned to an ExclusiveColScrollRegion in the Form_Load or InitializeLayout, the horizontal scrollbar is sized incorrectly.
2062 - Mousepointer appears as I-beam when mouse is over cell's vertical scrollbar.
2055 - When a PictureBackground is set for a Row, it appears in each cell.
2049 - Grid's rowheight should be adjusted when RowAlternateAppearance.font .size is set to a higher pts.
2046 - Autopreview content gets clipped on the alternate row.
2009 - ColHeader's caption doesn't wrap to the next line when colHeaderLines is greater than 1.
2005 - Replace method of the Appearance and Override objects only accepts an object pointer and does not accept the key of the object instead.
2004 - Ctrl+Home is not processed by the control when the control is hosted by a web page.
2001 - When the scroll thumb is dragged to the very bottom of the grid, the grid's background "flashes" momentarily.
1995 - Reset Layout on the context menu doesn't reset grid's layout when structure isn't retrieved at design-time.
1992 - Backcolor of a html cell (area around the html window) is the system's highlight color.
1991 - AddNewBox doesn't refresh correctly at design-time when addnewbox.buttonappearance.picture is added or removed.
1988 - Autosize edit works for a column of datatype date if you have used the autosize edit in another column.
1986 - Painting problem when there is a ColScrollRegion barely out of view.
1982 - AfterColRegionSize does not fire when a message box is displayed with BeforeColRegion Size.
1981 - ScrollBar behaviors strange when you display a message box in the BeforeColRegionScroll event.
1979 - You should be able to perform all design time functionality regardless of the current UltraGrid property settings.
1973 - TextVAlign is not honored for a band with ColHeaderLines set to 1, if the caption of the header does not fit completely in view.
1968 - Rows are different heights even though rowsizing is synchronized.
1961 - OnKillFocus does not fire when losing focus to another form within the same application.
1953 - Cell borders do not display when the cell is in a multi-level grid and there is no cell on that edge of the cell.
1847 - When you have 2 forms with grids on them overlapping each other, clicking back & forth in a cell on each form doesn't retain focus rect around cell on the active form.
1943 - Slight repaint issue when dragging the colsplit box if you were in a cell in edit mode.
1836 - After you resize a column header, the cursor returns to an arrow, even though it is still directly above the column header's border.
1828 - Rows do not remain synchronized when changing the defaultrowheight after the InitializeLayout.
1528 - [Design-time] Rowheight is not adjusted until the program is run.
1522 - Even with CellPadding and CellSpacing are set to 0, buttons in cells do not fill up the cell; there's lots of extra space.
1496 - The horizontal RowConnector lines from the row to the expansion indicator are 4 pixels too long to the left.
1398 - PostMessageReceived does not fire when stepping through code.
1357 - Setting MaxWidth of Column 0 to a small number causes corrupted columns in the grid. 
1268 - while scrolling through one colscrollregion, the adjacent region uncovers small features of transparency, little dots appear.
0970 - Splitterbar is not rendered between 2 ColScrollRegions if you have a DoEvents in the AfterColRegionSize and there is an activecell before the split.
0850 - VB completely shuts down when adding a new row on the grid bound to Apex's true data control.
0810 - Grid does not repaint if you step through the BeforeColRegionScroll when debugging.

ActiveInput - March, 2002
Activation removed
AIP1288 -
When using certain combinations of TimeStart, TimeEnd, and Interval, the control does not display all the correct time choices.

ActiveInput - March, 1 2002 - Hot Fix
AIP1277 - SSComboBoxEx is not painting properly on screen resolutions of 1280x960 or 1024x768 and 800x600
AIP1268 - The Text property does not return the value currently in the edit portion
AIP1276 - Controls should support Windows XP flat borders and highlighting
1. A new enumeration was added to the BorderStyle property:
    ssFlatBorder = 3
When set to ssFlatBorder, the controls have a 1-pixel thick solid border, the color of which is determined by the new BorderColor property.
2. A new property was added, 'BorderColor'.  Gets/sets the border color of the control. Note that this color is only applied when the BorderStyle property is set to ssFlatBorder.
    The data type is OLE_Color
    The default value is COLOR_WINDOWTEXT
AIP1269 - Changing borderstyle on focus event causes control to paint improperly
AIP1268 - The Text property does not return the value currently in the edit portion
AIP1237 - Hot Link retains focus when used to open a modal form
AIP1232 - Changing the Width of the control in GotFocus does not change the width of the DropDownList

ActiveInput Problems Corrected By This Release ( June, 2001:

1270 - Under Japanese Windows ME and Japanese Windows 2000, every japanese character entered into any input control gets corrupted.
1267 - Application crashes when closing form.
1266 - ListPortion appears behind form when Combo is cited inside a usercontrol.
1263 - Access Violation Exception in SSinput1.ocx when switching views in an SDI app.

ActiveInput Problems Corrected By This Release (1.01.004) January, 2001:
1254 - Mask characters are saved to the database even though the MaskDataMode is set to Raw.
1246 - Form with Crystal Reports cannot get focus when project has SSComboBoxEx on another form.
1240 - Combo on a modal form shown from an MDI child with a Combo on it can cause the modal form to fall behind other forms.
1236 - SSComboBoxEx does not repsond to MoveWindow, or SetWindowPos API calls.
1215 - Resource leak when running a project in VB using the RowSource property of the ssComboboxEx.
1204 - Selected item appears scrolled out of view if there are enough items below the selected item to more than fill the dropdown's visible area.
1198 - With the comboex control set to dropdownlist on active borders, compiled programs will not allow you to use the mouse to select an item from a list.
1197 - When moving to a record that has a Null value, the combo will not update it's display. It shows the previous value.
1195 - List does not follow recordset filter or child commands.
1151 - Text highlights automatically when focus is given to dropdownedit control with mouse.



Issues Addressed:

UltraToolBars Version - March, 2002
Activation removed
UTB107 - Line controls are tilted by the resizer.

UltraToolBars Version - December, 2001
UTB85 - A child form of an MDI form that has the IGResizer on it highlights the contents of the MSComboboxes that are on the child form
UTB84 - After resizing a pane greater than the adjacent pane the adjacent pane is lost
UTB82 - Controls in Panes are swapping positions at runtime
UTB79 - Drag not working on SSCommand when Shape is applied
UTB78 - Only one splitter autosizes properly with 2 splitter controls on one form
UTB77 - Locking toolbars
UTB76 - The entire OutlookBar shifts up when you click on a cell of the UltraGrid and covers some parts of the UltraToolBars
UTB68 - SSCheck control put in strange state by tabing off quickly
UTB67 - ActiveToolBars does not consisently fire the Toolclick event in the PVOutlookBar control
UTB64 - Crash on Win98 machine (works fine on Win2k) displaying modal forms and choosing items from a list
UTB59 - An error is thrown when attempting to add an ATB control to a dialog in VC if another dialog with an ATB was created in the same instance of the IDE
UTB57 - When you resize the tab control, it switches to the last tab
UTB43 - Config Utility locks up after loading a Configuration and clicking OK
UTB42 - When you resize a Splitter control on a non-active tab, it does not paint correctly when you switch to it
UTB34 - Form Losing KeyUp event after clicking on the Ultra toolbar
UTB31 - The distribution notes topic references incorrect information
UTB27 - The left and top properties of a tool are documented as returning values relating to location on toolbar
UTB26 - You can see a flicker as the scrollbars are repositioned when resizing the ssScroll control
UTB16 - Certain letters (ie., y,g) get chopped off at the bottom when the control is borderless and the caption is aligned 'centerbottom'
UTB9 - The Upgrades notes section still lists SSA3D30.OCX
UTB3 - Flickering when resizing the control if it's not scrolled to the upper left

TXP123 - Customer claims Toolbar does not display correctly with Greek characters
TXP122 - Additional character added when pressing Danish Character in Combo Box
TXP120 - Keyup is being fired for the control with focus when menu items are activated using access keys
TXP118 - When you do a LoadConfiguration on a Toolbar on a Usercontrol on a web page, the toolbar shows blank until you resize the browser window
TXP117 - Control locks up after showing a modal form from the click event
TXP116 - Control on a Splitter does not respond to mouseclick after switching to another application
TXP108 - ActiveToolBars does not consisently fire the Toolclick event in the PVOutlookBar control
TXP97 - Crash on Win98 machine (works fine on Win2k) displaying modal forms and choosing items from a list

Distribution Notes - Corrected From The Help File

This section contains updated information later than the help file on which files you will need to distribute.

This section describes files you will need to distribute in addition to your application files and runtime DLLs.

If your application makes use of the ActiveToolBars control, you will need to install the following files on the user's system:

File Description
IGTOOLBARS40.OCX ActiveX component file that contains the ActiveToolBars control.

If your application makes use of the ActiveTabs control, you will need to install the following files on the user's system:

File Description
IGTABS40.OCX ActiveX component file that contains the ActiveTabs control.
In addition, due to the nature of the OLE architecture, the ActiveX control requires the following support files to be shipped with your application. Version numbers of the files you distribute should be equal to or greater than those listed here:

Filename(s) Version
ASYCFILT.DLL 2.30.4261
MSVCRT.DLL 6.00.8168.0
OLEAUT32.DLL 2.30.4261
OLEPRO32.DLL 5.0.4261
STDOLE2.TLB 2.30.4261

If you wish to use the ActiveToolBars control in an Internet application, you should provide users with access to the following file:
This file must be downloaded and installed (either manually by the user or automatically by their web browser) before the ActiveToolBars control can be used. This file contains the authenticated and signed version of the ActiveX control and any files needed to support its operation.
Note There is no CAB distribution file for the ActiveTabs control because the ActiveTabs control, like most container controls, does not function properly when used directly in an HTML document. For more information, see Known Control Issues in the help file.

ActiveThreed Plus
This section describes files you will need to distribute in addition to your application files and runtime DLL's.

If your application makes use of ActiveThreed controls you will need to install the following files on the user's system:

File Description

IGTHREED40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSCheck, SSCommand, SSFrame, SSOption, SSPanel, and SSRibbon ActiveX controls.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain any of the controls mentioned above.
IGRESIZER40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSResizer ActiveX control.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain the Resizer control.
IGSCROLL40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSScroll ActiveX control.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain the Scroll control.
IGSPLASH40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSSplash ActiveX control.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain the Splash control.
IGSPLITTER40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSSplitter ActiveX control.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain the Splitter control.
IGTRANSITION40.OCX ActiveThreed file that contains the SSTransition ActiveX control.
This file should be distributed with applications that contain the Transition control.

In addition, due to the nature of the OLE architecture, the new ActiveX controls require the following support files to be shipped with your application. Version numbers of the files you distribute should be equal to or greater than those listed here:

ASYCFILT.DLL 2.30.4261
MSVCRT.DLL 6.00.8168.0
OLEAUT32.DLL 2.30.4261
OLEPRO32.DLL 5.0.4261
STDOLE2.TLB 2.30.4261

Upgrade Information

This section contains important information for users upgrading from earlier versions of ActiveToolBars, ActiveToolbars Plus or Designer Widgets to UltraToolBars.

Upgrading Visual Basic Projects

For Users of ActiveToolBars Plus:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveToolBars Plus to UltraToolBars. Run the Conversion Utility, which can be accessed from the Start Menu (in the UltraToolBars group) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, it is possible to directly upgrade existing projects using the ActiveToolBars Plus controls to UltraToolBars by editing the project (VBP) file in a text editor, such as Notepad. You must make the following modification:

In the old VBP file, find the following lines:

Object={1BE65FA0-CBF9-11D2-BBC7-00104B9E0792}#2.0#0; SSTBARS2.OCX

Object={0A45DB48-BD0D-11D2-8D14-00104B9E072A}#2.0#0; SSTABS2.OCX

and change the object GUID, OCX name, and version number as in the following line:

Object={17259422-7BB1-421A-88DE-7EA81AC1AC6F}#4.0#0; IGTOOLBARS40.OCX

Object={D8F5B61D-9152-4399-BF30-A1E4F3F072F6}#4.0#0; IGTABS40.OCX

Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For Users of ActiveToolBars:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveToolBars to UltraToolBars. Run the Conversion Utility, which can be accessed from the Start Menu (in the UltraToolBars group) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, it is possible to directly upgrade existing projects using the ActiveToolBars control (SSTBARS2.OCX) to UltraToolBars (IGTOOLBARS40.OCX) by editing the project (VBP) file in a text editor, such as Notepad. You must make the following modification:

In the old VBP file, find the following line:

Object={343F59D0-FE0F-11D0-A89A-0000C02AC6DB}#1.0#0; SSTBARS.OCX

and change the object GUID, OCX name, and version number as in the following line:

Object={17259422-7BB1-421A-88DE-7EA81AC1AC6F}#4.0#0; IGTOOLBARS40.OCX

Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For Users of Designer Widgets:

Although there is no direct procedure for upgrading a project from Designer Widgets to UltraToolBars, existing Designer Widgets Toolsets can be converted using the Toolset Conversion Wizard, located on the Start Menu, in the UltraToolBars group.

Additionally, the ActiveTabs control supports many of the same features as the Designer Widgets IndexTab control, but is more efficient. The layout of your index tabs can be quickly mimicked by adding a new form to your existing Designer Widgets project and placing an ActiveTabs control on the new form. Create an equal number of tabs as in the original, and place an ActiveTabPanel on each. Next, select multiple controls from the Designer Widgets IndexTab control by clicking while holding down the Ctrl key. When all of the controls of a tab are selected, copy them using the Visual Basic Edit menu or Ctrl-C. Finally, select the appropriate ActiveTabPanel control and paste the controls into it by using the Edit menu or Ctrl-V. Repeat this for each tab to convert the appearance of your tabbed interface from a Designer Widgets project to an ActiveToolBars Plus project.

At this time, the ActiveTabs control's NotePage style does not directly replicate the Designer Widgets IndexTab's Page mode, however, the appearance can be easily emulated by creating two ActiveTabs controls-one the child of another-the parent with the default style and the child with a tab style of 1 (ssStyleNotePage) or 2 (ssStyleNotePageFlat). The controls should then be placed on an ActiveTabPanel control on the child ActiveTabs control.

For ActiveThreed Plus users:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveThreed Plus to UltraToolbars. Use the conversion utility installed with UltraToolbars to make the necessary changes for you. Run the program named Conversion.exe (located in the directory where you installed UltraToolbars) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, you may upgrade your existing projects by editing the Visual Basic Project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following lines:

Object={065E6FD1-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}#3.0#0; ssa3d30.ocx

Object={8C3D4AA0-2599-11D2-BAF1-00104B9E0792}#3.0#0; sssplt30.ocx

Object={44ECA3F0-BDD9-11D1-B3C2-00104B2B8509}#3.0#0; SSSPLS30.OCX

Object={E2585150-2883-11D2-B1DA-00104B9E0750}#3.0#0; SSRESZ30.OCX

Object={997E9620-3391-11D2-9DCF-00104B9E078A}#3.0#0; SSTRAN30.OCX

Object={9CD56991-2E37-11D2-8C87-00104B9E072A}#3.0#0; SSSCRL30.OCX

2. Replace them with the lines below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

Object={14ACBB92-9C4A-4C45-AFD2-7AE60E71E5B3}#4.0#0; IGSPLITTER40.OCX

Object={1943D383-0595-405B-9390-0A5CAAC0827F}#4.0#0; IGSPLASH40.OCX

Object={1AF1F43C-1DE4-44ED-B0FD-A49A4EAA03A6}#4.0#0; IGRESIZER40.OCX

Object={43E0D4CB-B249-449C-AC19-6AD486137F7D}#4.0#0; IGTRANSITION40.OCX

Object={3FD089E4-F742-431A-979F-380C3C77FBE6}#4.0#0; IGSCROLL40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.


For ActiveThreed users (THREED20.OCX and SPLITTER.OCX):

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveThreed to UltraToolbars. Use the conversion utility installed with UltraToolbars to make the necessary changes for you. Run the program named Conversion.exe (located in the directory where you installed UltraToolbars) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, you may upgrade your existing projects by editing the Visual Basic Project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following lines:

Object={0BA686C6-F7D3-101A-993E-0000C0EF6F5E}#2.0#0; THREED20.OCX

Object={F7BA9F11-0A5D-11D0-97C9-0000C09400C4}#2.0#0; SPLITTER.OCX

2. Replace them with the lines below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

Object={14ACBB92-9C4A-4C45-AFD2-7AE60E71E5B3}#4.0#0; IGSPLITTER40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For ThreeD users (THREED16.OCX or THREED32.OCX)

You can upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from THREED16.OCX or THREED32.OCX to UltraToolbars by editing the project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following line for THREED32.OCX (or THREED16.OCX):

Object={0BA686C6-F7D3-101A-993E-0000C0EF6F5E}#1.0#0; THREED32.OCX

2. Replace them with the line below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, then open the project as you normally would.

Upgrade Issues

The previous version of the SSCheck control found in THREED32.OCX and THREED16.OCX supported only two logical states: checked and unchecked. This differs from the standard Visual Basic and Windows check box which supports three states; checked, unchecked and grayed.

If you have existing programs that use a previous version of the SSCheck control, and those programs assume a specific set of values (i.e. that only 2 states are available) you must make sure that the TripleState property is set to False. This is the default setting, and ensures full compatibility with previous versions of the control. However, if you wish to use the new capabilities of the control, or use the SSCheck to replace standard check boxes, you should make sure TripleState is set to True.

ActiveToolBars Plus Known Control Issues
The ActiveTabs control, like most container controls, does not function properly when inserted directly into an HTML document. Almost all container controls experience problems when directly placed in an HTML document. However, the ActiveTabs control should function normally when wrapped, such as when it is embedded within an ActiveX User Control or Document.

For other known control issues, see the Known Issues section of the help file.

ActiveToolBars Plus New Features
Version 2.03
The property DragFullToolBars has been added. The DragFullToolBars property specifies whether or not the control will follow the "Show Full Window Contents While Dragging" system setting. 

    When set to ssDragFullFollowSystem, the control will act like before - following the system setting.
    When ssDragFullFalse, the control will ignore the system setting, and toolbars will be dragged with a drag rect. 
    When set to ssDragFullTrue, a toolbar's contents will be shown while dragging. 
    The property will be ssDragFullFollowSystem by default, to preserve existing applications.  

    See the help file for details.

- The constant ssChangeAllVisible has been added to the ChangeAll method.  See the help file for details.

- The combobox's style property has been made read-write at runtime except when the tool has focus.  See the help file for details.

Version 2.02
The following constant has been added to the ControlName.CustomizationString argument:


This constant makes it possible to customize the titlebar of the dialog displayed when the user deletes a runtime toolbar from the runtime customizer.

- The following constants were added to support the new menu animations for Windows 2000:


Note:  Setting the ssExplodeMenuItem and ssFadeInMenuItem customization strings under an OS other than Windows2000 does nothing since the new animations will not appear in the runtime customizer where the user can select the MenuAnimation style.

- The following Enumerations have been added to the Constants_MenuAnimation collection to support the new menu animations in Windows 2000:

        ssAnimationExplode = 4
        ssAnimationFadeIn = 5

Note:  If the MenuAnimation property is set to either of these constants under any other OS, it is equivalent to setting the property to ssAnimationRandom.

ActiveThreed Plus Control Notes

New method added to SSResizer control:
A new method, Reset has been added to the SSResizer control, and when invoked resets the proportions used by the control when resizing other controls. 

New property added to SSSplitter control:
A new property, AllowMdiChildForms has been added to the SSSplitter control, and when set to True allows MdiChild forms to be set in a pane. This will allow focus to work correctly for this project with the caveat that you can't press the End key on any error dialog or you will get a GPF.

Splitter Panes containing forms:
You can now place a form inside a Splitter pane by using the Panes Control property at run-time. To do this remove the Caption and ControlBox from the form and in code set the Pane.Control property to the Form.hWnd property. See the ActiveSuite example for sample code.

When attempting to set focus to a form in a Splitter pane please note that since there is no way to set the container of a Form in VB, we are forced to use the Form's hwnd and re-parent using the Windows API SetParent.  Unfortunately, this prevents VB from being notified of the re-parenting resulting in control focus issues occurring.  One side effect is being unable to set focus to a control on a Splitter Form on the first mouse click.  Another side effect is that tab order of the main Form and the re-parented Form are separate.  You cannot tab from control on one Form to controls on the other.

Zorder Issues with Frame and Panel controls:
There is a known problem pertaining to Zorder with the Frame and Panel controls at design time in Visual Basic when the BackStyle property is set to ‘Transparent’. Unfortunately there is no current solution to this problem. For some reason when Visual Basic has a transparent control on a form it seems to reverse the Zorder of the transparent controls. NOTE: This only occurs at design time, at run time the correct Zorder is maintained.

Windowless property default value has been changed:
In ActiveThreed Plus the Windowless property now defaults to FALSE. This causes the control to have a window. If you prefer to have the control Windowless, set the property to TRUE. Note that there are limitations with Visual Basic 5's support of windowless controls. If you experience problems with windowless controls reset the Windowless property back to FALSE.

Delay values:
Note that when setting PictureAnimationDelay and MarqueeDelay properties the resolution under Windows 95 is 55 milliseconds, under Windows NT it is 10ms. If the delay is set to less than the resolution, the delay is equivalent to 0 and will be affected by any other applications using timers.

Transparency issues:
If you place a transparent control on top of another control (for example, a transparent SSPanel on top of a command button) the user of your application will be able to see the control, but will not be able to access it. You should avoid placing transparent controls on top of other controls.

Using Resizer with nested Microsoft Tabbed Dialog controls:
When using nested Microsoft Tabbed Dialog controls in VB it is possible to have the fonts of the tab controls resize improperly. This is a known issue with the tabbed dialog control. If you experience this problem simply change the fonts of the tabbed dialog controls to any other font and then switch back to the original font immediately after placing them on a form.

Transitioning certain controls does not work:
The way the Transition control works is that it sends a WM_PAINT message to all of its child controls with a memory dc in the wParam. Almost all controls correctly render themselves into this dc. However, certain controls don’t behave properly and unfortunately there is nothing that the Transition control can do to get around the problem.

The most notable example is the version 6 ListView control that ships with VB6. The version 5 control works fine, it seems the problem was introduced in version 6. If you encounter this problem with either the ListView or another 3rd party control one workaround is to perform a SSTransition.Refresh or a ListView.Refresh after the transition finishes. This won’t show the control during the transition but will force a refresh afterward. You may also want to contact the control vendor to report the problem.

Too complex regions for SSSplash, SSRibbon and SSCommand:
The SSSplash control uses its Picture property to create an irregularly shaped region for its parent form. The SSRibbon and SSCommand controls use their Shape property (which is also a picture) to create an irregularly shaped region for their windows. There are situations where the region can be too complex for the OS to handle. This is especially true under Windows 95 and 98 in 256-color mode. If you have an image with large areas of a dithered color and one of the solid colors that makes up the dither is the transparent color (which is taken from the bottom/left corner pixel of the control) then the creation of the region may fail. When this happens at design time the SSSplash control will display the following message:

“The window region could not be created which may indicate that it is too complex.

The ActiveSplash control uses the color value of the lower left corner pixel as the transparent color. If this color is also used as part of a dithered color that covers a large area of the image the region may contain too many very small transparent areas. This happens most often in 256-color mode.

If the control's Picture property is set to an icon or metafile try setting the BackColor property to a SOLID color that is not used in dithered areas of the image.

If the Picture property is set to a bitmap try changing the lower left corner pixel to a color that isn't used in dithered areas."

Note: If you are developing under NT the window region creation may succeed but may fail when the application is run under 95 or 98. When this happens at runtime, no error message is displayed and the window reverts to being rectangular.

 For more detailed information, consult the Known Control Issues section of the help file (THREED30.HLP).  

Problems Corrected By This Release ( June, 2001:
ActiveThreed Plus
- Stretched Style of the PictureBackground style of an ssPanel seems to reduce the resolution of the picture to 256 colors.

Problems Corrected By This Release (4.00.003) January, 2001:

ActiveToolBars Plus
2305 - Menu closes on mouse up when Toolbar is on a modal form.
2304 - Control doesn't recognize the state of the CTRL key when used with ALT and other keyboard keys (ie., CTL + ALT + F).
2298 - Alt + Function keys are being interpreted incorrectly.
- Clearing the popup menu causes the dropdown menu to close and vb lockup.
- tools on toolbar1 get 'stuck', and the dropdown button remains depressed.
- When a PopupMenu is cancelled, it kills all KeyDown messages to controls on the form.
- Toolbar interprets ALT+F4 as ALT+S.
- Toolbar does not unload from IE 5.5.
- Setting focus to an mfc based control whose TabStop is set to false results in the ActiveToolbars Plus control "disappearing" in Windows 2000.
- Requires multiple clicks to open submenu when calling doevent in toolclick event and the tool in action is a menu tool.
- Crash when changing the Visible property of an SSDBGrid from the ComboCloseUp event.
- ToolCloseUp fires when modal form is shown from a DropDown State tool.

ActiveThreed Plus
- VB IDE goes into infinite loop with sssplitter control and transparent panels, in design time.
5140 - Resizer on VB form in Win2000 allows user to size form less than min height/width.
5139 - Pegasus Software FXImage/Shape visibility through transparency.
5136 - Application slows to a crawl when repeatedly splitting Panes in the Splitter.
5135 - Transparent Panel control does not show display visible objects that are underneath it. Builds 3.02.0007, 3.02.0008 only.
5129 - Painting problem with threedPlus panel and frame controls when BackStyle set to transparent and the control is overlayed by an invisible control.
5128 - Controls placed on opaque panel appears on transparent panel when opaque panel is made invisible.
5121 - PaneFromControl method raises runtime error when passing form as parameter.
5113 - Transparent ssPanel appears as completely white at design time if overlayed by a control that is invisible at runtime.
5112 - Nested ssPanel does not appear transparent if nested within another transparent that contains a slider control and is partially overlayed by it.
- Reset method not working properly.
5106 - A transparent SSPanel that is visible will display any SSPanels that it is overlaying, even though those SSPanels are not visible.



3 New Controls
* PropertyBrowser
* Color Combo
* Image Combo


* Property for setting column header alignment
* Property for retrieving column indices through the column name.
* Enhanced printing capabilities
* Automatic Column and Item resizing to text

* Property for setting column header alignment.
* Property for setting text alignment.
* Property for retrieving column indices through the column name.
* Methods for opening and closing dropdown.
* Property for retrieving the state of the dropdown list.

* Properties (PasswordOnly, PasswordCharacter, ConvertToUpperCase, ConvertToLowerCase, IncludeList, ExcludeList) added.

Date Edit
* Can use updated drop-down calendar available with ScheduleX. This allows text and colors in cells, as well as spin buttons to change current month.

* Property (DisableSpins) added.

Issues Addressed:

- March, 2002
Activation removed

Problems Corrected By This Release (8.04.000) June, 2001:

- Fixed to disable backspace from working when the control is readonly to delete the default value.
- Fixed problem where minus sign was going positive for scientific notation of number values.
- Fixed not passing converted COLORREF value to DataTable in ItemLabelBackColor property.
- If the ListSource was changed, make sure that the correct item is selected after repopulating.
- Fixed issue where small lists would scroll unecessarily when items down the list are selected in non-editable mode.
- Correct list item will be set when item contains accented characters.
- Selected item will now be visible if list is dropped after the ListIndex is set.
- ShowDropDown method will now work when the control has focus.
- Fixed memory leak in partial completion code (editable mode).
- Fixed issue where open and closing dropdown when last item is selected eventually will set the wrong TopIndex.
- Fixed resource leak when display text and images are reconfigured at runtime.

Problems Corrected By This Release (8.03.002) January, 2001:
- Fixed data pasting exception when multiple pastes occurred in sequence.
Property Browser
- Fixed exception occurring on clean Win95 machines on Property Browser control creation.
- The SelChange event is now fired when selection is changed with the keyboard as well as with the mouse.

Problems Corrected By The Previous Release:
- Could not navigate control until clicked on with mouse. Fixed.
- Non-editable look-ahead typing fixed so it is not case sensitive anymore.
- On a dialog set as AlwaysOnTop, the dropdown was appearing behind, now it appears on top.
- Pressing Enter when combobox is empty no longer selects the first item.
- Get_List was appending an extra "|" on the returned string. Fixed.
- Change event will now fire on non-editable combo arrow down and arrow up keys.
- Default and Cancel buttons on form now fire.
- If items are added in the DropDown event the dropdown would not resize itself properly to accommodate them. It now works if DropEffect = 0 (but not = 1).
- DataSource recordset will be updated with values even if they are not in the list when the PrimaryColumn is the same as the DataField, but will not when they are different. (Behavior mirrors that of the MS DataCombo)
- If the BoundText value is not found in the BoundColumn and BoundColumn is different then PrimaryColumn, do not display anything in the text box. (Behavior mirrors that of the MS DataCombo).
- Fixed Stack Overrun when searching for matches in a large list.
Property Browser
- ImageCombo now fires the change as soon as the list item is selected.
- SetPropValBasedOnIndex now checks for null value in the m_Prop->m_PropValueList.GetAt method call in the file PVPList.cpp
- Before an object of type PVPProperty is returned to the user, the m_PropBrowser member of the CPVPProperty class needs to be updated. This has been fixed.
- Translate accelerator now passes the message to the child windows. This was done to overcome the ATL bug (ID: Q232624 in MSDN) where an ATL control if first placed inside a Visual Basic Usercontrol and the usercontrol is then placed on a form, the accelerator keys will not work. 
- New method (Refresh) added which will repaint the control. 
- Property.Value and Property.Name change will now repaint the control to see the change immediately.
- Default font is changed to Arial instead of MS Sans Serif