
ActiveX(TM) Control

Version 5.02.009 - February 24, 2004
(C) Copyright Infragistics, Inc., 1997-2004
Windsor Corporate Park, 50 Millstone Road, Building 200 - Suite 150, East Windsor, NJ  08520  USA
Voice (609) 448-2000, Fax (609) 448-2017, Internet http://www.infragistics.com

This document contains release notes for UltraToolBars. Information in this document is more current than the on-line Help.

Included Samples

The Samples sub-folder of your product installation folder contains various samples demonstrating the use of the product. Brief descriptions of these can be found in the file Samples Descriptions.htm, located in the Samples folder.

Hot Fix Note:
Hot Fixes may not be included in full suite releases.  You may need to reapply your Hot Fix after you have installed a full suite release.

Issues Addressed:

Use the knowledge base in the Infragistics Support Center
to review the history of addressed issues.

UltraToolBars 5.02.009 - February 24, 2004 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.009

5.02.008 - December 18, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.008
IGTabs40.ocx 4.01.012

UltraToolBars 5.02.007 - November 20, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.00

UltraToolBars - October 29, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.00

UltraToolBars - September 2, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.005

UltraToolBars - August 5, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.00

UltraToolBars - April 25, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.02.00

UltraToolBars - April 11, 2003 - Hot Fix
IGToolBars20.ocx 5.01.020

UltraToolBars - November 13, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP224 - VB crash when message box is displayed
TXP223 - ToolClick doesn't fire; broken in build 12
TXP221 - Backcolor changes to black if color is set to white
TXP83 - An error is thrown when attempting to add an ATB control to a dialog in VC if another dialog with an ATB was created in the same instance of the IDE

UltraToolBars - September 26, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP205 - Adding control dynamically to a MDI parent causes VB to crash

UltraToolBars - August 16, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP207 - Sub menus on pop up menus stay visible on the screen

UltraToolBars - August 9, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP206 - The entire OutlookBar shifts up when you click on a cell of the UltraGrid and covers some parts of the UltraToolBars

UltraToolBars - July 18, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP156 - Shadow of popup menu not drawn properly

UltraToolBars - June 14, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP 189 - Unhandled Exception when calling LoadConfigurationEx.
TXP 177 -
F10 key down is not released by the UTB menu on a MDI parent.

UltraToolBars - May 9, 2002 - Hot Fix
Compatibilty build for UltraGrid Hot Fix:

UG2 467 When double-clicking on UltraGrid cells, and manipulating the visible property on OLEDbCombos, there is a crash citing an unknown software error

NOTE: The fix for bug UG2 467 required a change to the UltraGrid control that breaks bug UG2 394 for older versions of the UltraToolbars Control.

The descriptions of the two interrelated bugs are as follows:
UG2 394: The entire OutlookBar shifts up when you click on a cell of the UltraGrid and covers some parts of the UltraToolBars.
UG2 467: When double-clicking on UltraGrid cells, and manipulating the visible property on OLEDbCombos, there is a crash citing an unknow software error.

There is a documented bug in the MFC framework (see KB article #Q172673) entitled, "BUG: Control Unexpectedly Gains Focus When Made Visible". This bug is related to UltraGrid bug UG2 467. The fix for bug UG2 467 required maintaining a subclass of the parent form so as to work around the problem described by the MS KB article #Q172673.

Maintaining this subclass reintroduced the issue described by bug UG2 394, since the UltraToolbars control also requires the subclassing of its parent form.

To address both issues, the UltraGrid control maintains its subclass of the parent form, and also notifies the UltraToolbar control when it has not restored the parent subclass. In response to this notification, the UltraToolbars control restores its subclass. In this manner both controls retain their subclass and both UG2 467 and UG2 394 are addressed.

If the latest build of the UltraGrid control (2.01.012) is going to be used, the latest build of UltraToolbars (5.01.008) is required so that the issue described by UG2 394 is not reintroduced.

See also:

UltraToolBars - March 22, 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP 152 - FloatingTop and FloatingLeft return -1 if you float a toolbar by double-clicking it.

UltraToolBars - March, 2002
Activation removed

UltraToolBars - February, 22 2002 - Hot Fix
TXP145 - Function definitions wrong (Added BeforeToolKeyDown event to control)
TXP132 - Selection is off by 2 pixels when mouse hovering on a state button next to a checked state button.

UltraToolBars - December, 2001
TXP123 - Customer claims Toolbar does not display correctly with Greek characters
TXP122 - Additional character added when pressing Danish Character in Combo Box
TXP120 - Keyup is being fired for the control with focus when menu items are activated using access keys
TXP118 - When you do a LoadConfiguration on a Toolbar on a Usercontrol on a web page, the toolbar shows blank until you resize the browser window
TXP117 - Control locks up after showing a modal form from the click event
TXP116 - Control on a Splitter does not respond to mouseclick after switching to another application
TXP112 - Menu Tools placed on toolbars (not menubars) do not appear contiguous with there sub menus
TXP109 - GDI resource problem in XP emulation mode in Windows 9x/Me
TXP108 - ActiveToolBars does not consisently fire the Toolclick event in the PVOutlookBar control
TXP107 - Dropdown shadow is not being rendered like MS Office XP
TXP105 - Tools and their images don't appear correctly under 'add/remove' buttons
TXP103 - DisplayStyle set to 'textonly(in menus)' is not working
TXP102 - Tool's image in the 'add/remove' button gets clipped on mouse hover
TXP101 - Right arrow appears too close to the text of menuitem
TXP100 - Large icons in editor don't size right in menu
TXP99 - Check boxes on toolbar not displaying properly
TXP98 - MenuAnimations combobox items are being duplicated when you delete a toolbar
TXP97 - Crash on Win98 machine (works fine on Win2k) displaying modal forms and choosing items from a list

- A child form of an MDI form that has the IGResizer on it highlights the contents of the MSComboboxes that are on the child form
UTB84 - After resizing a pane greater than the adjacent pane the adjacent pane is lost
UTB82 - Controls in Panes are swapping positions at runtime
UTB79 - Drag not working on SSCommand when Shape is applied
UTB78 - Only one splitter autosizes properly with 2 splitter controls on one form
UTB77 - Locking toolbars
UTB76 - The entire OutlookBar shifts up when you click on a cell of the UltraGrid and covers some parts of the UltraToolBars
UTB68 - SSCheck control put in strange state by tabing off quickly
UTB67 - ActiveToolBars does not consisently fire the Toolclick event in the PVOutlookBar control
UTB64 - Crash on Win98 machine (works fine on Win2k) displaying modal forms and choosing items from a list
UTB59 - An error is thrown when attempting to add an ATB control to a dialog in VC if another dialog with an ATB was created in the same instance of the IDE
UTB57 - When you resize the tab control, it switches to the last tab
UTB43 - Config Utility locks up after loading a Configuration and clicking OK
UTB42 - When you resize a Splitter control on a non-active tab, it does not paint correctly when you switch to it
UTB34 - Form Losing KeyUp event after clicking on the Ultra toolbar
UTB31 - The distribution notes topic references incorrect information
UTB27 - The left and top properties of a tool are documented as returning values relating to location on toolbar
UTB26 - You can see a flicker as the scrollbars are repositioned when resizing the ssScroll control
UTB16 - Certain letters (ie., y,g) get chopped off at the bottom when the control is borderless and the caption is aligned 'centerbottom'
UTB9 - The Upgrades notes section still lists SSA3D30.OCX
UTB3 - Flickering when resizing the control if it's not scrolled to the upper left

UltraToolBars - October, 2001
UTB 59 An error is thrown when attempting to add an ATB control to a dialog in VC if another dialog with an ATB was created in the same instance of the IDE.
UTB 57 When you resize the tab control, it switches to the last tab
UTB 43 Config Utility locks up after loading a Configuration and clicking OK.
UTB 42 When you resize a Splitter control on a non-active tab, it does not paint correctly when you switch to it.
UTB 34 Form Losing KeyUp event after clicking on the Ultra toolbar.
UTB 33 Toolbar is unresponsive if you show a form from a popup menu displayed in the ToolDropdown event.
UTB 31 The distribution notes topic references incorrect information.
UTB 27 The left and top properties of a tool are documented as returning values relating to location on toolbar.
UTB 26 You can see a flicker as the scrollbars are repositioned when resizing the ssScroll control.
UTB 20 Children of controls in a splitter do not paint properly at design time.
UTB 16 Certain letters (ie., y,g) get chopped off at the bottom when the control is borderless and the caption is aligned 'centerbottom'
UTB 14 ComboBox tool flickers when you add items to it in the ComboDropDown event
UTB 12 Showing a form from DropDown tool (PopUpMenu) locks the toolbar on the original form.
UTB 10 Sub-menus do not respond to the next mouse click after using a keyboard shortcut.
UTB 9 The Upgrades notes section still lists SSA3D30.OCX.
UTB 4 Toolbar responds incorrectly to certain key combinations for shortcuts.
UTB 3 Flickering when resizing the control if it's not scrolled to the upper left.
UTB 2 It is possible to click a tool on a disabled menu by using the Enter Key.

UltraToolBars - June, 2001
- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.
ActiveThreed Plus
- Stretched Style of the PictureBackground style of an ssPanel seems to reduce the resolution of the picture to 256 colors.  New enum added to PicctureBackgroundStyle, ssStretchedHiRes


UltraToolBars - February, 2001
- New Product Activation Wizard now checks and notifies developer of new product builds

UltraToolBars 4.00.003 - January, 2001
ActiveToolBars Plus 
2305 - Menu closes on mouse up when Toolbar is on a modal form.
2304 - Control doesn't recognize the state of the CTRL key when used with ALT and other keyboard keys (ie., CTL + ALT + F).
2298 - Alt + Function keys are being interpreted incorrectly.
- Clearing the popup menu causes the dropdown menu to close and vb lockup.
- tools on toolbar1 get 'stuck', and the dropdown button remains depressed.
- When a PopupMenu is cancelled, it kills all KeyDown messages to controls on the form.
- Toolbar interprets ALT+F4 as ALT+S.
- Toolbar does not unload from IE 5.5.
- Setting focus to an mfc based control whose TabStop is set to false results in the ActiveToolbars Plus control "disappearing" in Windows 2000.
- Requires multiple clicks to open submenu when calling doevent in toolclick event and the tool in action is a menu tool.
- Crash when changing the Visible property of an SSDBGrid from the ComboCloseUp event.
- ToolCloseUp fires when modal form is shown from a DropDown State tool.

ActiveThreed Plus
- VB IDE goes into infinite loop with sssplitter control and transparent panels, in design time.
5140 - Resizer on VB form in Win2000 allows user to size form less than min height/width.
5139 - Pegasus Software FXImage/Shape visibility through transparency.
5136 - Application slows to a crawl when repeatedly splitting Panes in the Splitter.
5135 - Transparent Panel control does not show display visible objects that are underneath it. Builds 3.02.0007, 3.02.0008 only.
5129 - Painting problem with threedPlus panel and frame controls when BackStyle set to transparent and the control is overlayed by an invisible control.
5128 - Controls placed on opaque panel appears on transparent panel when opaque panel is made invisible.
5121 - PaneFromControl method raises runtime error when passing form as parameter.
5113 - Transparent ssPanel appears as completely white at design time if overlayed by a control that is invisible at runtime.
5112 - Nested ssPanel does not appear transparent if nested within another transparent that contains a slider control and is partially overlayed by it.
- Reset method not working properly.
5106 - A transparent SSPanel that is visible will display any SSPanels that it is overlaying, even though those SSPanels are not visible.


ActiveToolBars Plus 2.03.005 - June, 2000
ActiveToolBars Control

1866 - Clicking on the DMT button when the Add/Remove buttons button is visible does not close the Add/Remove buttons button
1868 - When moving the mouse over the "Add/Remove Buttons" tool in MenuSelected mode, the tool clicks twice.
1871 - If you leave the "Add Remove Tools" menu via the top border of the menu, the selection rect does not go away.
1874 - Continually clicking the "More Tools" button results in the clicks not opening or closing the menu like they are supposed to.
1875 - FullDragWindows is false: dragging a floater over the windows taskbar results in the drag rect being drawn "over" the taskbar.
1877 - Pressing and holding the mouse button over a disabled tool, and moving the mouse over an enabled tool, results in the enabled tool being pressed.
1880 - Floater items move around when clicking on the floater's titlebar.
1883 - The "More Tools" button of a floater displays its ToolTip regardless of the "ShowToolTips" property's setting.
1893 - Minor painting problem with a recessed (LRU) ComboBox tool on a menu
1916 - After dropping down the "More Tools" menu, if you move the mouse over another tool, and then the "More Tools" button again, the menu disappears.
1918 - If an edit tool in the "More tools" menu has focus, and you click the "Add/Remove buttons" tool, it opens, but does not look pressed.
1934 - A popup created in a tooldropdown event can be open at the same time as the "Add Remove Buttons" menu.
1938 - With DragFullWindows set to false, if you continually drag toolbars around, you might get a gpf.
1949 - Having tools with the same Access key doesn't select the tool on the active form (Selects the mdi parent's tool)
1952 - Dropdown part (with listitems) in a combo tool doesn't stay down when using Alt and downarrow with a menubar present in the form.
1955 - When using AltGr key (on a Belgian keyboard) to enter certain characters into a combobox tool, the combobox just loses focus and nothing gets entered.
1960 - Hitting an accelerator multiple times does not cycle through tools with the same accelerator.
1968 - It is possible to slide a messagebox beneath a floating toolbar when it is floating.
1971 - Releasing the mouse over a tool in a menu does not fire the toolclick if you mousedown on one tool and release over another.
1972 - Sub-menus on a popup menu cannot be accessed with the right-arrow key.
1977 - Shortcut keys do not fire for the active form when their are two MDI Child forms with the same shortcut. 
1981 - F10 does not highlight the first menu item as is the Windows Standard.
2009 - A black small box is showed on the tool when ID and Name are both empty values.
2026 - Error 40018 occurs when displaying a popup menu if Notepad is running and has focus.
2044 - An error occurs after setting "Stretch When Docked" Check box to true.
2053 - Combo tool doesn't seem to work correctly when having more than one toolbars control on different container controls on the same form.
2066 - Special characters can't be inserted in text/edit box type control when ascii code is being keyed in & ALT key pressed with ATB + on the form.
2068 - Beep occurs when setting keyascii to 0 in the ToolKeyPress event.
2072 - Separator tools remains invisible until adjacent tool is clicked.
2073 - When using dual monitors, menu tool on a toolbar or menubar appears in the primary monitor regardless of the monitor where the form containing the menubar resides.
2074 - Popupmenu method always displays menu in primary monitor of a dual monitor system.
2075 - Tooltips appear in the primary monitor of a multiple monitor configuration.
2076 - Display More Tools dropdown appears in the primary monitor regardless of the monitor where the form containing the toolbar resides.
2080 - Removing a toolbar in the ToolbarModified event leads to a GPF.
2082 - Text property can't be set for a ComboBox tool when it's Locked property = True. This conflicts with the online help under the remarks section which says it can be changed.
2086 - If a non-visible tool is placed 1st on a toolbar, any subsequent tools that you drag and place on the toolbar, never seem to show the black insertion carrot between tools.
2090 - When using an accelerator key to access a menu, if the first item of the menu has a sub menu, after 5 seconds the submenu opens automatically.
2097 - AttachWindow method fails on Windows 2000.
2105 - In an MDI project, the combobox dropdowns do not stay open after you click the dropdown arrow when a popup menu is open.
2107 - Adding a combo (w/o list items) and/or an Edit tool (w/o text) at run time causes painting problem of tools on toollbar.
2108 - The form loses focus when you close a msgbox fired from the ctrlClick event of a combo tool when the toolbar is floating.
2109 - Takes two clicks to give an edit or combo focus. 
2111 - When the control is in a VB UserDocument, items on a menu tool cannot be selected when the menu has been clicked.
2115 - Toolbar disappears when exiting edit tool after entering text, then app crashes when closing the mdi form by clicking the X button.
2121 - If you try to use the popUp method of an activeToolbar that is located on an ENABLED form that is not the Active form you get an error.
2124 - Consistently getting garbage in the browser's title bar upon window re-size.
2126 - Toolclick event doesn't fire when used reparenting a form with atb+ control in splitter pane on a mdichid form.
2127 - Combo tool implements auto filling (not intended behavior) when it gets focus for the second time.
2134 - Text property of a combo/edit tool can't be changed programmatically when locked property is true.
2135 - Automation Error occurs when setting the Text property of an edit tool multiple times.
2139 - When opening a common dialog, Selection/Focus rect remains visible around a tool until the mouse is moved back over the ActiveToolbar control.
2142 - Toolbar on an mdichild form becomes disabled after displaying a form in the ToolClick event of the ActiveToolbars Plus control.
2143 - Control becomes unresponsive when used in a VB usercontrol.
2147 - Unable to tab away from an ActiveX control if the ActiveToolbars Plus control is in a VB usercontrol when running a compiled exe.
2148 - Menu tool opens and closes causing a flicker if you hold down the accelerator for a menu tool.
2149 - ATB+ control does not function when showing an mdichild form in the CtlClick event - i.e. using a combo tool - if the form has a Farpoint spread ctl.
2151 - Dynamically created ActiveToolbars Plus control does not appear on the form on which it is created.
2157 - If you display a MsgBox in CtlClick event and also change the ListIndex of a ComboBox tool, the ListIndex does not change. 
2158 - State buttons on a menu will sometimes show as pressed when they are not after enabling and disabling tools. 
2162 - Application crashes when using Combo Tool to create a child form and Farpoint's Spread control is also on the form.
2163 - Accelerators take effect even when the control is not visible in a user control contained in an ActiveX document DLL.
2167 - ActiveColors still show when showing a form from a Toolclick event. 
2168 - Control is corrupting characters in text boxes etc when combinations of ALT and numerics to produce certain letters like ü (often used in Europe).
2169 - Max/Min buttons show up after performing a save, then load layout.
2171 - The Tab Key is ignored on a VB user control that contains the ActiveToolBar as a constituent control.
2173 - Keydown doesn't fire after popup menu is called (in keydown) and then Esc button is pressed once.
2175 - Keyup is being fired for the control with focus when menu items are activated using access keys.
2176 - Combo tool does not dropdown when clicking on the dropdown arrow until you click on the tool again.
2180 - Automation error followed by a crash in VB when setting the text property of an edit tool.
2183 - Memory leak when clicking outside the dropdown area of a combo box.
2184 - Under Win 98 only, in certain situations, state buttons were not being 'dithered' while in the pressed state.
2185 - ToolCloseUp fires when a modal form is shown from a DropDown State too.
2187 - In menuselected mode, moving the mouse over a pressed state button results in it flickering.
2193 - If a combo box in a menu is an LRU tool, and you use the keyboard to get to it, it does not paint correctly.
2194 - Combo box edit portion clears out when dropping down the list for a combo of type DropDownList.
2199 - Memory leak when putting a msgbox in the toolclick event, and clicking a menu tool.
2201 - Forecolor of edit tool doesn't persist when control gets focus.
2204 - Control displays context menu (not for customizer) when combo/edit tool's text is highlighted and right mouse button is clicked.
2205 - Pressing up/down arrow key when combo tool has focus causes the tool to lose focus.
2206 - Home, End key has no effect when combo/edit tools have their locked property set to true.
2209 - VB shuts down when msgbox function is called in combodropdown event.
2216 - Combo tool doesn't respond to the up/down arrow key correctly after removing and re-adding the tool thru add/remove button.
2218 - Accelerator keys do not function for any character whose ASCII value is outside the ANSI range (128 - 255).
2223 - Maxlength property of edit tool isn't respected when pasting data (using keyboard) from the clipboard.
2226 - Unable to float toolbar or change its dock position after opening runtime customizer by dblclicking.
2232 - Pressing down arrow key with focus in the combo causes severe painting problem.
2235 - Control doesn't paste data into edit/combo tool when using CTRL+V and they (edit/combo tool) are on a menu tool.
2238 - Menu tools can not be selected for runtime customization.
2243 - Setting LargeIcons to true in runtime customizer makes floating toolbar window appears in front of the customize dialog.

ActiveTabs Control

1914 - ActiveTabPanel does not resize properly on non-visible tabs.
1957 - Control does not repaint properly when removing a tab if there are no other enabled tabs.
1961 - TabCaption Pictures do not appear until the control is clicked on.
2092 - The Key value for the Tabs property page takes large integers.
- If you set the SelectedTab after setting the CaptionImage of a tab in the Form_Load event, the ActiveTabPanel does not resize correctly.
2114 - ActiveTabs does not display captionImages if the imageList control is on another form.

Property Pages

- Sometimes the system crashes when you try to set the tab's Key property to a integer value.
- Clicking on 'Remove Tab' button in the property pages after adding 2/3 tabs causes VB6 to shut down.


- Menus can display behind the runtime customizer. In office2000, menus are always in front of the run time customizer.
1928 - If a menu is open, and you click on another application, the menu does not get destroyed.
2091 - On a non-Win200 machine, setting MenuAnimations at runtime to the 2 new settings of "4-ssAnimationExplode" and "5-ssAnimationFadeIn", the text in the combo box on the Options tab gets blanked out.
2186 - The height of the toolbar = the height of the form when clicking on a tool and clicking "Description".
2207 - Tool is not completely highlighted in runtime customizer when tool is selected.
- Removing tools from the toolbar during a runtime customization requires two mousedowns.
- Menu tools can not be selected for runtime customization.
- Setting LargeIcons to true in runtime customizer makes floating toolbar window appears in front of the customize dialog.

Configuration Utility

- Can not set more than one state button in the (none) group to checked.
2095 - Design-Time Configuration utility does not show the new Windows 2000 animations in the combo control.
- Edit text set thru configuration utility doesn't persist. 
2222 - Unable to manipulate the visibility of standard toolbar in the edit tool dialog of config utility.


ActiveToolBars Plus 2.02.005 - January, 2000
ActiveToolBars Control

1935 - State property of ToolBar State button does not change properly.
1941 - Separator tools on hidden tools are displaying at design and run time.
1944 - Adding a menu tool, loading a layout, then readding the same menutool results in layout corruption.
1948 - With Windows 2000 RC 2, the toolbar does not respond to the mouse at all. 
1954 - Application crashes when calling a routine in the toolclick event.
1958 - ActiveToolbars Plus control does not work properly when created in an owned mainframe window.
1962 - Floating toolbars disappear when a modal dialog is displayed in VC.
1966 - GPF when pressing an shortcut for a tool while a menu is dropped down.
1970 - Separator tool does not "reappear" when a tool is made visible.
1973 - GPF when holding down the tab key on an MDI Child form. 
1978 - When switching back to an MDI form from another app, all child form with toolbars on them get focus simultaneously. 
1985 - When FontSize is 1000, program terminated after pressing the right button of mouse.
1986 - When clicking menu and pressing [Down] key, VB5 GPFs after moving mouse.
1987 - When saving a configuration with long filename, program is closed automatically.
1997 - ToolBarExit event generated without ToolBarEnter event.
2007 - Strange display after Clear method.
2013 - "CtrWidth" property can be assigned to 0 or negative value.
2014 - Modify a combobox list item adds a new item.
2015 - The content of combobox edit area is not cleared when current item is removed.
2016 - Setting Lock to True, the cursor can't be moved by Left key and or Right key.
2017 - The AutoWrap property can be changed to be False when the tool is a menu.
2018 - ShortCut property does not work for Menu Tool.
2019 - VB stops responding and a system error is reported when code referencing a tool is placed in the CtlClick event.
2022 - Same byte length name of toolbar display not same.
2023 - Toolbar display error when reopened Configuration contains an empty toolbar.
2024 - Setting a Toolbar's Tool Visible property = false has no effect. The tool remains visible on the toolbar.
2025 - The Click Event still fired when the ActiveToolbars enable property is set to false.
2027 - Cannot edit a Tools Name at run-time when the ActiveToolbars control is put in the ActiveTabs control.  
2035 - The display of tool is wrong after setting ShortCut Key and clicking [DisplayMoreTools] Button. 
2038 - Adding an empty listitem causes the toolbars to crash VB.
2050 - Floating toolbars remain visible when the ActiveToolbars Visible property to false at design time.
2051 - Combobox tool is not drawn properly when on more tools menu and then dropped down and sstyle97.
2057 - Application crashes (memory access error) when invoking a menu tool using Access key, then clicking on a submenu tool with the mouse.
2065 - MDIChild titlebar buttons (minbutton, maxbutton, etc.) do not appear in the ActiveToolbars Plus menubar when maximizing the MDIChild when the control is added in the OnCreate method of CWnd.
2069 - MDIChild titlebar buttons (min,max,close,etc) do not appear on an ATB menubar of an MDI form when attachwindow is used.
2089 - Exception error when adding toolbars in the run-time customizer. 
2094 - Crash when removing tools in the ToolbarModified event. 
2101 - Get run-time error" Method 'AttachWindow' of object 'ISSToolBarControl' failed" when calling the attachwindow method of the toolbar control.
2102 - Regression: ListIndex cannot be set to -1
2103 - Floating toolbars do not refresh
2104 - When the toolbar is floating, combo boxes are retaining focus when you click on another tool.
ActiveTabs Control

1937 - Memory leak when trying to remove user control containing ActiveTabs and ActiveTabPanel using Form.Controls.Remove method.
1984 - After set Container property, the activetab display error.
2002 - Description in Control covered with tab item after you decrease width of Control.
2005 - After image of caption is deleted, Image property in Property Page is not be refreshed.
2006 - A blue text block is covered with position of dropping down.
2030 - When inputting Japanese symbols (DBCS) in Caption, some symbols are not displayed vertically (stacked).
2041 - Incorrect position of tabs when TabOrientation is set to ssTabOrieMultiRow, MultiRow set to true and TabHeight set.
2048 - Setting PictureBackGroundMaskColor to 1-ssMaskColorUseImage and PictureBackgroundStyle to 0-ssCentered causes the PictureBackground to disappear.
2052 - Attempting to add a Data Control to TabPanel with AddControl method doesn't throw an error, even though it fails.
2055 - When removing only image from Images tab in property pages and adding a new image of different size, CaptionImage was displayed in original size.
Property Pages

1992 - In Property Pages, if you set a panel's name same as other panel, an error occur.
1994 - An error after set an invalid value to the property in Property Pages.
2029 - Entering a value directly into a color property's edit box causes 'color rect' to be drawn improperly.
2033 - Apply button is not activated when using only keyboard to modify bool or enum property.
2036 - After showing an error dialog, focus is set to form instead of back to property page.
2037 - In Windows 2000, scrolling a property that has an edit control currently being displayed causes the contents of the edit ctl to remain.
2040 - In the 'Images' tab, pressing Alt-K when there are no images sets focus to index edit control.
2056 - In 256 color mode when importing a .png file in Images tab and then exporting, Images turn to black

1993 - The two labels are not found in the customization form. 
2020 - VB will GPF when Deleting toolbar at runtime when the CustomizationString property is set to select nonalphanumeric characters.
2043 - Button on run time customizer can't receive focus after use short-cut key.
Configuration Utility

1989 - An error occur if you Edit a toolbar but click another toolbar on the Preview window.
1991 - When toolbar style is menubar, "Stretch When Docked " check box is not correct.
1995 - "Select ToolBar from Configuration file" form, when "OK" button is disabled, it also can receive focus.
1998 - 'Apply' button is enabled when right clicking on a toolbar in the toolbar list.
1999 - Toolbar list box is not painted properly (missing checkboxes) after importing or loading and then right clicking.
2000 - ComboBox tool text is not being saved.
2003 - The ItemData values are being lost.
2004 - Rotating then cuting then clicking undo does not restore the cut image it restores the image prior to rotation.
2010 - Pressing the accelerator for the disabled ItemData adds an item to the ListItems list.
2011 - In the Edit tool the text can be longer than the max length.
2012 - Mouse pointer does not change properly when moving in and out of a selected area or after clicking in a selected area.
2031 - On the Options tab in the configuration utility, the first control does not receive focus when you press the tab key.
2042 - If you right click on a toolbar other than the one selected the right click menu does not display the proper toolbar names for the edit and delete menu entries.
2054 - In the Design-time configuration utility, only the selected tool on a toolbar is updated when you edit a tool on a toolbar where it is instantiated more than once.

ActiveToolBars Plus 2.01.009  - September, 1999
ActiveToolBars Control

353 - Hitting some shortcut keys while a combobox tool has focus will still fire the toolclick event of a tool with that shortcut
912 - Control is using the wrong character to display the dropdown arrow of the combo box in Windows 2000.
1145 - When clicking on a menu to open it, and then clicking on it again to close it, when it closes the menu tool seems to flicker.
1144 - We probably shouldn't be showing a separator if its the last visible tool on a clipped row.
1166 - Artifacts are left behind when dragging a floater over the Control Panel in the Config Utility(while DragFullWindows is off).
1200 - Menus are not expanding after a "short delay" when using the keyboard to open the menu
1207 - ToolExit does not fire when using the enter key to select a tool.
1220 - Menu tool retains active border if hit Alt and then hit escape or spacebar.
1284 - The "Display More Tools" button does not appear for a floating toolbar when there are no tools on the toolbar
1298 - DropDown tools are showing their tooltips over the dropdown menu when in the More Tools area.
1327 - Our Disable Combo Tool does not look like the disabled combo tool found in word. We still show the box around the dropdown arrow.
1364 - Hitting the right arrow key when a disabled dropdown tool on a menu has focus does not shift to the next top level menu.
1368 - After clicking on a combobox, clicking on a menu tool results in the menu tool being pressed twice.
1373 - When LargeIcons is true, not all of the menus appear at the same level.
1376 - When DragFullWindows is false, and you drag a toolbar off of a dock so that the drag rect looks like its a floater, the toolbar remains docked.
1377 - State Tool with shortcut key - if user triggers the shortcut key, the State Tool fires a click event, but is not depressed. Moving the mouse over it will then refresh the tool.
1378 - The Expand button does not display the Shortcut Key in the tooltip when the control is set to show shortcuts keys in tooltips.
1402 - The "Display More Tools" menu does not adjust its size to accommodate tools wider than the "Add or Remove Buttons" button
1404 - Double Clicking on the Separator when in Customize mode does not float the toolbar.
1410 - When using the arrow keys to navigate a toolbar, disabled tools do not get "focus".
1414 - The combobox tool does not function like the inbox combo when locked is true
1423 - Navigating within toolbars via the keyboard and then the mouse, throws the control off as to which toolbar is the active toolbar
1426 - More Navigational Issues - When a toolbar has the Display More Tools, the tools not visible eat up key strokes.
1432 - Navigating through the top level menus requires 2 right arrow keys to move from the 1st menu to the second.
1497 - Under the described scenerio using an MDIForm project, the child form will lose it's control icons when the ATB control is attached to the child form's hWnd, and the form is maximized.
1523 - Moving over the tool closest to the DMT button after clicking on the DMT makes the Add/Remove Buttons button disappear
1536 - The menus are not autoexpanding in all situations.
1537 - With regard to duplicate accelerator keys, keyboard behavior on the QuickCustomization menu deviates from Word2000
1557 - ESC key does not cancel out of a ComboBox tool
1561 - Passing the attached window of a toolbar on an mdi form to an object on a client form passes the control icons as well.
1571 - Clicking on the dropdown button of a dropdown tool in a menu closes the menu instead of calling the tooldropdown event.
1579 - While in the config utility, if you click on a tool while moving the mouse, the cursor might jump over to the left edge of the form.
1581 - When the control's 'Font' property is set to a point size >= 14, the Add/Remove Buttons button's first character 's underline displays on the bevel
1631 - The size of the More Tools button does not increase if the size of the other buttons on the toolbar increase
1633 - A dropdown tool's menu is not closing on the second click.
1651 - Pressing spacebar while in the "add/remove buttons" menu shouldn't close the menu.
1662 - hen a toolbar is used in a user control, clicking on the runtime customizer while it is positioned over the menubar opens the menu.
1673 - Bad code in the combodropdown event can lead to a state where the dropdown menu presists on the screen, and could lead to a gpf
1678 - Tooltips do not appear until the delay is reached.
1691 - ComboCloseUp doesn't fire when Combo dropdown part is open & users right mouse click on a toolbar or on the form
1704 - Attempting to increase the size of a menubar with one tool decreases its size.
1716 - Selecting/deselecting tools on the QuickCustomization menu of a floating toolbar causes the toolbar to momentarily flash over the QC menu
1718 - The border of the dropdown portion of a combobox in a submenu is not drawn correctly.
1721 - Submenu stays open when a combobox is dropped down.
1723 - Clicking on the rect of a combobox to resize it, then releasing the mouse, results in the combobx getting smaller in size.
1726 - The Scroll arrows are appearing in menus after the Expand menu is fired.
1732 - ToolBars collection is case sensitive in the fact that two toolbars can be added with the same name, different case.
1736 - SaveLayout does not seem to save the position of tools within a menu.
1753 - Menu tool within a Menu tool is not showing the non-most recent used tools after a short delay.
1755 - Combobox tool is not drawn properly when on "more tools" menu and & then it is dropped down.
1762 - Intermittent GPF's with Show Window Contents to False and dragging the toolbars around
1793 - It is possible to get a toolbar to dock on the same row with a menubar.
1795 - When dropping a toolbar over an area that can't be dropped, the "four way arrow" cursor does not go away, and the drag operation doesn't stop.
1802 - Separator tool disappears if you click on the help button when the edit tool has focus in the SimpleHTML sample.
1803 - Adding tools to a menu on a menu does can cause the ID of a tool to change to "SSMDIMinimize"
1804 - Tools on inactive Forms still display ActiveBorders.
1805 - Performing a right click to bring up a popup menu then left clicking elsewhere on the screen without making a selection causes app to freeze
1814 - If you load a toolbar *.atb file. The seperator tool disappears randomly during runtime.
1816 - ALT + combination is not working properly
1817 - You cannot customize an ActiveToolbar Plus toolbar that is a constituent of a compiled usercontrol.
1818 - Statusbar gets corrupted when maximizing a child form in an Mdi apps creating with Activetoolbars Plus control.
1821 - The Add method fires an error when adding alot of tools.
1828 - Toolclick fires when clicking on a menu tool in runtime customizer
1829 - ToolKey events are not firing consistently on combo boxes on an ActiveToolbar.
1830 - Possible resource leak.
1832 - Caption of a menu tool in a menu does not line up with the text of other
tools in the menu.
1834 - Form does not remain in front when the activeform has an ActiveToolbars Plus control and a webbrowser when the webbrowser has focus.
1835 - The colors in a tool's Picture property are being changed
1836 - After importing a config file (.atb), focus is stuck on the "Import" button
1837 - Keyboard behavior is incorrect for a tool of type SSComboBox
1838 - A combo tool in a menu stays selected when another combo tool on a submenu gets selected.
1839 - The response to a click on a DropDown tool is a little too slow
1840 - Clearing a tool's picture causes a GPF
1846 - After importing the Excel2000 configuration, clicking on the Control Panel's title bar results in the tool behind it getting selected.
1848 - Odd behavior of the "Add Remove Tools" menu in the config utility.
1852 - Separator tool does not appear at runtime.
1853 - After an unsuccessful drag, one menu has the black selection rectangle, but another is open.
1855 - During a drag, the black line showing where a tool would be dropped does not show up in the right place.
1856 - You can have the "Add Remove Buttons" menu and another menu open at the same time.
1862 - State Buttons with style Image and Text repaint slowly.
1864 - VB locks up when using the demo version of ActiveToolbars Plus on an
ActiveX designer.
1865 - ComboBox tool will not drop down when on a toolbar in a Usercontrol on a Modal form.
1866 - If a floating ToolBar is displayed on a modal Form that is shown from a User Control, the ToolBar does not respond.
1867 - ToolClick event fires for the first MDIChild loaded when using an
accelerator for a tool.
1869 - Menus don't disappear when clicking on the windows of other processes.
1870 - The tooltip follows the mouse around.
1872 - GPF when constantly clicking the "More Tools" button, and right clicking to bring up the right click context menu.
1881 - Accelerator keys do not function for any character whose ASCII value is outside the ANSI range (128 - 255)
1885 - When the control's visible property is set to false at design time, and the project is run, a floater is visible, but the docked toolbars aren't.
1887 - Separator draws itself improperly when a floater is being resized too small.
1890 - The ToolTip for the "More Tools" button stays visible after clicking on the more tools button.
1891 - The images for the buttons on the "Modify Selection" menu use the control's backcolor property.
1892 - Menu appears in the top left corner of the screen when moving the mouse over a menu in a menu.
1894 - The "Add Remove Buttons" menu doesn't go away when clicking on the windows of other processes.
1897 - Hiding a tool in the CloseUp event of a combobox tool cancels the selection of an item.
1898 - After closing a drop down in a menu, the form looks like it is inactive.
1901 - When you resize a combobox on a menu, the menu reopens itself.
1902 - Floating toolbars with no separators and only button tools with no text cannot be resized vertically to only one column when icons are small
1903 - Separators are wider than they should be when a vertically oriented floating toolbar has only button tools w/no text
1905 - When the F4 key is assigned to a tool as a shortcut, it is not passed along by the edit tool when the edit tool has focus
1911 - Menus are expanding (showing LRU tools) when the mouse hovers over the topmost menu item for the 4-second delay even when PersonalizedMenus = ssPersonalDisplayOnClick
1913 - Application hangs when the last sub-menu under a multi-level menu has an unexpanded LRU tool and that sub menu is navigated to via the keyboard
1922 - When a menu is opened by an accelerator key and you press a key that is not assigned as an accelerator key, the 1st sub-item on the menu is clicked
1924 - Toolclick fires unexpectedly when displaying form modally in the toolclick event and then pressing the Enter Key.....
1926 - Separator tool (created at design time) doesn't display at runtime when toolbar's displaymoretools property is false
1932 - Tools whose Visible property is set to False appear if the form is resized so that it is smaller than the width of the toolbar.
ActiveTabs Control

1297 - The disabled caption image paints incorrectly when a PictureBackground is on the control and Hot Tracking is set.
1320 - No error is thrown when trying to remove a control that isn't a child of the ActiveTabs control unless an HWND is specified
1569 - When the caption is wider than the control, the right edge is drawn improperly.
1589 - If the SelectedTab is disabled, you can still click on its caption.
1764 - Loading large number (200) of images to Images collection results in an error dialog, then GPF's.
1827 - Dr. Watson when placing an activex control created with ssactivetabson ssactivetabpanel.
1844 - Clicking on the SSActiveTabs after a shelling out to a help file does not fire the Click event.
1895 - Setting the SSTab object's 'BackColor' property changes the focus rect of all the tabs to the inverse of that tab's BackColor
1931 - Memory error when exiting VB project containing a user control with an ActiveTabs and an ActiveTabPanel control.
1937 - Memory leak when trying to remove user control containing ActiveTabs and ActiveTabPanel using Form.Controls.Remove method.
Property Pages

726 - Property Pages: selecting a new tab by clicking on the actual control does not apply change to the last tab.
1843 - When adding images to the internal collection, after 8 or so, the "images" tab stops painting itself correctly.

1326 - Hiding or unchecking a toolbar in the RunTime Customizer causes the runtime customizer window to flicker.
1352 - When dragging a large combo/edit tool from a menu to a sub menu, the parent menu gets hidden beneath the sub menu - looks weird.
1757 - The description text from a previous tool persists after the user clicks on another tool when a toolbar is floating
1792 - Not recognizing the Separator when the tool that it was created with is removed.
1850 - Buttons in the "Modify Description" menu do not work.
Configuration Utility

1231 - The utility can get into a state where hitting the escape key does not close the icon grabber window
1243 - In the Edit tool window for the Combo Box tool, selecting an item to remove it does not remove the item from the default text box.
1713 - Clicking on the ForeColor command button causes the desktop to flicker
1734 - Combo, edit and menu tools are not displayed properly in the Confirm Tool Replace dialog.
1750 - Shortcut Key comboitem doesn't update to None after the dialog when user attempts to assign a Shortcut Key that is already in use.
1765 - Combobox itemdata doesn't take alpha characters or numbers larger than 32767
1854 - Odd drag behavior in the config utility.
1861 - "Description" and "Picture" panels in the New Tool and Edit Tool control panels are blank
1876 - Random menu appears in the top left corner of the sreen when adding a new tool.
1899 - When dropping an item on an invalid drop area over the menu, the menu disappears.

ActiveToolBars Plus 2.00.060
Initial Release

ActiveThreed Plus Problems Corrected By This Release (3.02.005) May, 2000:

5091 - Overlaying tranparent panels causes VB to shut down.
5092 - VB slows and then crashes when using v3.02.003 of ssa3d30.ocx.
5095 - Transparent CommandButton with focus does not paint when the container's backcolor is changed.
5099 -
Resizing a Scroll control does not adjust the HPosition, VPosition, or scrollbars.

ActiveThreed Plus Problems Corrected By This Release (3.02.003) March, 2000:

4747 - Error 31012 when trying to LoadLayout on a Splitter, even when you remove all the controls from it at run-time.
4764 - Some of the BackColor properties do not work properly for the panel in Plus, customer states that they worked in previous version and they do work for other VB controls.
4780 - Controls on the SSTab co
ntrol disappear when the Resizer control resizes the control.
4786 - When the display settings are set to 256 colors, and the SSFrame is set to BackStyle=Transparent, it is not displaying correctly.
4889 - Click event of a command button does not fire if the control is on a form brought into a splitter pane on a MDIChild form.
4894 -
Transparent Panel flickers when changing the caption.
4895 - Autosize of ssButtonToPicture does not work correctly with icons of sizes other than 32x32.
4897 - Using an option button bound to an ADODC will lock up the application.
4898 - Regression bug: If you have a transparent control on a transparent container, the container does not repaint when you make the control invisible. 
4904 - A GPF occurs when placing a breakpoint in the BeforeResize event of the Resizer.
4906 - The Form's Height can be set to a value lower than the Resizer's MinHeight property.
4908 - Caption does not erase at design time if the button is Windowless and Transparent. 
4912 - A command button whose ButtonStyle is 'ActiveBorders' flickers when moving the mouse over the control.
4916 - Error occurs when setting any of the Max or Min properties (MaxHeight,etc) in the VB IDE if VB is in MDI mode.
4919 - A border appears on the top and on the right of the Ribbon Button control, when moving another window over the ribbon control and its parent form.
4920 - GPF when exiting a project containing ActiveTreeView, ActiveToolBars, ActiveSplitter, and ActiveScroll.
4921 -
The PictureDnDisabledFrames do not get changed to 1 if the Form file contains a 0.
4922 - A control being overlaid does not properly move to the open pane.
4923 - If a control is added to a pane that already has a control, the original cannot be removed.
4925 - The Background of a Transparent command button does not always paint correctly if it is on a scroll control. 
4926 -
Setting the value of an option button through code fires the click event multiple times. 
4929 - Form resizes improperly viewed on system set to Large Fonts compiled on system set to Small Fonts.
4930 - A form attached to a pane can get unattached from the pane when resizing the form.
4932 - If transparent SSCommand has ActiveColors and ActiveBorders, border does not return to none after another control is clicked.
4938 - When you exit a project with a Splitter and TreeView and an ActiveToolbar, VB6 crashes.
4940 - With Hotfix build 16, a bad painting problem at design occurs when drawing SSSplitter on form. You only see the sizing handles of the control.
4946 - Setting the height of Panes in the MDIForm_Load event no longer works.
4947 - Upper right and lower left corners of the SSFrame do not connect when the ShadowStyle property is set to ssInsetShadow.
4948 - When you place a user control with a SSResizer in it, onto a form with an SSResizer, the contents of the user control do not resize at all.
4950 - If AutoRepeat=True, the SSCommand button seems to keep focus when clicking in a WebBrowser control.
4952 - Online Help - The Clear method is listed for the Panes collection, but no such method exists.
4956 - Online Help - The last sentence of the Remarks section of the Pane.Left property is grammatically incorrect.
4957 - SSCommand has GDI Leakage problem.
4958 - Controls placed on a container control within a splitter pane becomes invisible when splitter has the focus.
4962 - Label on an ssPanel, which is in a pane of the splitter, disappears when the splitter bar is moved.
4967 - Resizing a form with a MinHeight and MinWidth causes massive flickering followed by a lockup. 
4968 - Cannot toggle any of the ActiveThreedPlus Boolean properties via the Visual Basic "Not" operator.
4969 - Online Help - BevelWidth property needs to be updated with correct default values for the Panel, Command and Ribbon controls.
4970 - Online Help - Outline property needs to be updated with correct default values for the Panel, Command and Ribbon controls.
4971 -
Resizer on the form with a Crystal Reports v6.0 and v7.0 control will cause a crash.
4972 -
Frame and Panel do not appear transparent on a form with a gradient painted by a ctFormFX control.
4974 - Controls no longer remain in panes if a form is maximized and a VSFlexGrid is contained in the splitter and the autosize property is set to fillcontainer.
4975 - Sum of the height of the panes (plus splitterbar and border widths) no longer add up to the height of the control.
4977 - Online Help - ScrollingHeight and ScrollingWidth need to be modified.
4981 - Removing image from Picture property doesn't repaint control.
4982 - Changing BackColor at design or run time doesn't repaint control.
4983 -
Crash in web page that hosts an ATL Lite Composite Control that contains an SSSplitter
4985 - Paint problems with panels in 3.01.0017 (and 3.01.0020)
5002 - Setting the AutoSize property to ssAutoSizeFillContainer has no effect on the control at design time or runtime.
5004 -
Regression: Splitter does not align properly in 3.01 build 0017.
5005 - When you add the control to a project, VB displays a dialog that says the control is not registered.
- Nag dialog appears when using build 21.
5009 - Scaleheight of a picturebox is not correct when a picturebox is within a pane of splitter.
- Resource leak with ActiveColors.
5012 - Placing a panel on a VB user control causes a infinite loop when used in MFC.
5013 - When a VB usercontrol containing a splitter is used on a VC DIALOG the resources go to 100% and the dialog freezes.
5014 - Splitter resizes controls incorrectly when used with an ActiveToolBar.
5015 - Can paste 2 or more SSResizer controls on a container.
5018 - The help gives an incorrect description of the way the Picture Frame property behaves.
5020 - Transparent SSPanels show the background of the form instead of the control they are positioned over.
5025 - The INF files in the CAB files for our products do not include a DefaultInstall section.
5028 - Setting the enabled property of the ssCommand causes a resource leak.
5031 - Can't use more than one resizer in a C++ project.
5032 - The resizer, does not resize windowless ActiveX user controls on a form.
5036 - Using the MouseEnter Event to unload the current form causes a internal error and closes VB.
5037 - You are unable to resize controls on a form in VC++ in a MFC EXE project.
5039 - You will receive errors when trying to view 2 or more forms (each with a Resizer) at design time only in a C++ project.
5040 - Attempting to change the width of a pane which is adjacent to a pane that has its lockwidth set to true , width doesn't get set correctly.
5047 - sscheck/ssoption controls don't refresh when setting their font3d property.
- Splitter within an ATL container does not shutdown if a control was put into a pane.
5050 - SSScroll does not repaint properly when placed in a Splitter pane.
- Properties help text for the AutoSize property incorrectly references the Splitter Control.
5054 - ButtonStyle for an ssCommand appears as Win3.1 style when set to Follow OS and run under Win2000.
5055 - Loading a generic CWnd control into a pane of the splitter causes the application to hang when the control is clicked on.
5056 - Debug Assertion occurs when moving the mouse over a splitter bar when used in an ATL project.
5057 - Control does not repaint properly in response to sizing through API calls.
5063 - Autosize set to ssWidthToCaption does not work with multiline text. 
- Transparent label on a transparent frame does not repaint correctly when the Caption is changed.
5067 - The ExitFocus event of a user control will not fire if the Caption of the SSCommand on the user control is blank.
5069 - GPF When a resizer is on the form with an OLE Control and you double click on the OLE Control, launching the associated program.
5077 - Controls are not being repositioned correctly after the Form is Maximized and then Minimized 2 or more times.
- One of the Transitions Styles is not working - Split Horizontal Out.
5083 - Resizer is corrupting the Splitter when the Form is Maximized and then Restored.


ActiveThreed Plus Problems Corrected By This Release (3.01.10) April, 1999:

Upgrade Information

This section contains important information for users upgrading from earlier versions of ActiveToolBars, ActiveToolbars Plus or Designer Widgets to UltraToolBars.

Upgrading Visual Basic Projects

For Users of UltraToolBars 4.0:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from UltraToolBars 4.0 to UltraToolBars 5.0. Run the Conversion Utility, which can be accessed from the Start Menu (in the UltraToolBars50 group) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, it is possible to directly upgrade existing projects using the UltraToolBars 4.0 controls to UltraToolBars 5.0 by editing the project (VBP) file in a text editor, such as Notepad. You must make the following modification:

In the old VBP file, find the following lines:

Object={17259422-7BB1-421A-88DE-7EA81AC1AC6F}#4.0#0; IGTOOLBARS40.OCX

and change the object GUID, OCX name, and version number as in the following line:

OBJECT ={85202277-6C76-4228-BC56-7B3E69E8D5CA}#5.0#0; IGTOOLBARS50.OCX

Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For Users of ActiveToolBars Plus:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveToolBars Plus to UltraToolBars. Run the Conversion Utility, which can be accessed from the Start Menu (in the UltraToolBars group) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, it is possible to directly upgrade existing projects using the ActiveToolBars Plus controls to UltraToolBars by editing the project (VBP) file in a text editor, such as Notepad. You must make the following modification:

In the old VBP file, find the following lines:

Object={1BE65FA0-CBF9-11D2-BBC7-00104B9E0792}#2.0#0; SSTBARS2.OCX

Object={0A45DB48-BD0D-11D2-8D14-00104B9E072A}#2.0#0; SSTABS2.OCX

and change the object GUID, OCX name, and version number as in the following line:

Object={17259422-7BB1-421A-88DE-7EA81AC1AC6F}#5.0#0; IGTOOLBARS50.OCX

Object={D8F5B61D-9152-4399-BF30-A1E4F3F072F6}#4.0#0; IGTABS40.OCX

Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For Users of ActiveToolBars:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveToolBars to UltraToolBars. Run the Conversion Utility, which can be accessed from the Start Menu (in the UltraToolBars group) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, it is possible to directly upgrade existing projects using the ActiveToolBars control (SSTBARS2.OCX) to UltraToolBars (IGTOOLBARS40.OCX) by editing the project (VBP) file in a text editor, such as Notepad. You must make the following modification:

In the old VBP file, find the following line:

Object={343F59D0-FE0F-11D0-A89A-0000C02AC6DB}#1.0#0; SSTBARS.OCX

and change the object GUID, OCX name, and version number as in the following line:

Object={17259422-7BB1-421A-88DE-7EA81AC1AC6F}#5.0#0; IGTOOLBARS50.OCX

Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For Users of Designer Widgets:

Although there is no direct procedure for upgrading a project from Designer Widgets to UltraToolBars, existing Designer Widgets Toolsets can be converted using the Toolset Conversion Wizard, located on the Start Menu, in the UltraToolBars group.

Additionally, the ActiveTabs control supports many of the same features as the Designer Widgets IndexTab control, but is more efficient. The layout of your index tabs can be quickly mimicked by adding a new form to your existing Designer Widgets project and placing an ActiveTabs control on the new form. Create an equal number of tabs as in the original, and place an ActiveTabPanel on each. Next, select multiple controls from the Designer Widgets IndexTab control by clicking while holding down the Ctrl key. When all of the controls of a tab are selected, copy them using the Visual Basic Edit menu or Ctrl-C. Finally, select the appropriate ActiveTabPanel control and paste the controls into it by using the Edit menu or Ctrl-V. Repeat this for each tab to convert the appearance of your tabbed interface from a Designer Widgets project to an ActiveToolBars Plus project.

At this time, the ActiveTabs control's NotePage style does not directly replicate the Designer Widgets IndexTab's Page mode, however, the appearance can be easily emulated by creating two ActiveTabs controls-one the child of another-the parent with the default style and the child with a tab style of 1 (ssStyleNotePage) or 2 (ssStyleNotePageFlat). The controls should then be placed on an ActiveTabPanel control on the child ActiveTabs control.

For ActiveThreed Plus users:

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveThreed Plus to UltraToolbars. Use the conversion utility installed with UltraToolbars to make the necessary changes for you. Run the program named Conversion.exe (located in the directory where you installed UltraToolbars) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, you may upgrade your existing projects by editing the Visual Basic Project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following lines:

Object={065E6FD1-1BF9-11D2-BAE8-00104B9E0792}#3.0#0; ssa3d30.ocx

Object={8C3D4AA0-2599-11D2-BAF1-00104B9E0792}#3.0#0; sssplt30.ocx

Object={44ECA3F0-BDD9-11D1-B3C2-00104B2B8509}#3.0#0; SSSPLS30.OCX

Object={E2585150-2883-11D2-B1DA-00104B9E0750}#3.0#0; SSRESZ30.OCX

Object={997E9620-3391-11D2-9DCF-00104B9E078A}#3.0#0; SSTRAN30.OCX

Object={9CD56991-2E37-11D2-8C87-00104B9E072A}#3.0#0; SSSCRL30.OCX

2. Replace them with the lines below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

Object={14ACBB92-9C4A-4C45-AFD2-7AE60E71E5B3}#4.0#0; IGSPLITTER40.OCX

Object={1943D383-0595-405B-9390-0A5CAAC0827F}#4.0#0; IGSPLASH40.OCX

Object={1AF1F43C-1DE4-44ED-B0FD-A49A4EAA03A6}#4.0#0; IGRESIZER40.OCX

Object={43E0D4CB-B249-449C-AC19-6AD486137F7D}#4.0#0; IGTRANSITION40.OCX

Object={3FD089E4-F742-431A-979F-380C3C77FBE6}#4.0#0; IGSCROLL40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.


For ActiveThreed users (THREED20.OCX and SPLITTER.OCX):

It is easy to upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from ActiveThreed to UltraToolbars. Use the conversion utility installed with UltraToolbars to make the necessary changes for you. Run the program named Conversion.exe (located in the directory where you installed UltraToolbars) and follow the directions.

Alternatively, you may upgrade your existing projects by editing the Visual Basic Project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following lines:

Object={0BA686C6-F7D3-101A-993E-0000C0EF6F5E}#2.0#0; THREED20.OCX

Object={F7BA9F11-0A5D-11D0-97C9-0000C09400C4}#2.0#0; SPLITTER.OCX

2. Replace them with the lines below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

Object={14ACBB92-9C4A-4C45-AFD2-7AE60E71E5B3}#4.0#0; IGSPLITTER40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, and then open the project as you normally would.

For ThreeD users (THREED16.OCX or THREED32.OCX)

You can upgrade an existing Visual Basic project directly from THREED16.OCX or THREED32.OCX to UltraToolbars by editing the project file (.VBP). Open the project's .VBP file in Notepad, or a similar text editor, and follow the simple steps below.

1. Find the following line for THREED32.OCX (or THREED16.OCX):

Object={0BA686C6-F7D3-101A-993E-0000C0EF6F5E}#1.0#0; THREED32.OCX

2. Replace them with the line below:

Object={F20E41DE-526A-423A-B746-D860D06076B4}#4.0#0; IGTHREED40.OCX

3. Save the file using your text editor, then open the project as you normally would.

Upgrade Issues

The previous version of the SSCheck control found in THREED32.OCX and THREED16.OCX supported only two logical states: checked and unchecked. This differs from the standard Visual Basic and Windows check box which supports three states; checked, unchecked and grayed.

If you have existing programs that use a previous version of the SSCheck control, and those programs assume a specific set of values (i.e. that only 2 states are available) you must make sure that the TripleState property is set to False. This is the default setting, and ensures full compatibility with previous versions of the control. However, if you wish to use the new capabilities of the control, or use the SSCheck to replace standard check boxes, you should make sure TripleState is set to True.

ActiveToolBars Plus Known Control Issues

The ActiveTabs control, like most container controls, does not function properly when inserted directly into an HTML document. Almost all container controls experience problems when directly placed in an HTML document. However, the ActiveTabs control should function normally when wrapped, such as when it is embedded within an ActiveX User Control or Document.

If you are not sure that the display adapters on the machines you distribute to can or will be set to at least 16 bit colors, then it is strongly recommended that you convert the image to 16 bit colors.

For other known control issues, see the Known Issues section of the help file.

ActiveThreed Plus Control Notes

New method added to SSResizer control:
A new method, Reset has been added to the SSResizer control, and when invoked resets the proportions used by the control when resizing other controls. 

New property added to SSSplitter control:
A new property, AllowMdiChildForms has been added to the SSSplitter control, and when set to True allows MdiChild forms to be set in a pane. This will allow focus to work correctly for this project with the caveat that you can't press the End key on any error dialog or you will get a GPF.

Splitter Panes containing forms:
You can now place a form inside a Splitter pane by using the Panes Control property at run-time. To do this remove the Caption and ControlBox from the form and in code set the Pane.Control property to the Form.hWnd property. See the ActiveSuite example for sample code.

When attempting to set focus to a form in a Splitter pane please note that since there is no way to set the container of a Form in VB, we are forced to use the Form's hwnd and re-parent using the Windows API SetParent.  Unfortunately, this prevents VB from being notified of the re-parenting resulting in control focus issues occurring.  One side effect is being unable to set focus to a control on a Splitter Form on the first mouse click.  Another side effect is that tab order of the main Form and the re-parented Form are separate.  You cannot tab from control on one Form to controls on the other.

Zorder Issues with Frame and Panel controls:
There is a known problem pertaining to Zorder with the Frame and Panel controls at design time in Visual Basic when the BackStyle property is set to ‘Transparent’. Unfortunately there is no current solution to this problem. For some reason when Visual Basic has a transparent control on a form it seems to reverse the Zorder of the transparent controls. NOTE: This only occurs at design time, at run time the correct Zorder is maintained.

Windowless property default value has been changed:
In ActiveThreed Plus the Windowless property now defaults to FALSE. This causes the control to have a window. If you prefer to have the control Windowless, set the property to TRUE. Note that there are limitations with Visual Basic 5's support of windowless controls. If you experience problems with windowless controls reset the Windowless property back to FALSE.

Delay values:
Note that when setting PictureAnimationDelay and MarqueeDelay properties the resolution under Windows 95 is 55 milliseconds, under Windows NT it is 10ms. If the delay is set to less than the resolution, the delay is equivalent to 0 and will be affected by any other applications using timers.

Transparency issues:
If you place a transparent control on top of another control (for example, a transparent SSPanel on top of a command button) the user of your application will be able to see the control, but will not be able to access it. You should avoid placing transparent controls on top of other controls.

Using Resizer with nested Microsoft Tabbed Dialog controls:
When using nested Microsoft Tabbed Dialog controls in VB it is possible to have the fonts of the tab controls resize improperly. This is a known issue with the tabbed dialog control. If you experience this problem simply change the fonts of the tabbed dialog controls to any other font and then switch back to the original font immediately after placing them on a form.

Transitioning certain controls does not work:
The way the Transition control works is that it sends a WM_PAINT message to all of its child controls with a memory dc in the wParam. Almost all controls correctly render themselves into this dc. However, certain controls don’t behave properly and unfortunately there is nothing that the Transition control can do to get around the problem.

The most notable example is the version 6 ListView control that ships with VB6. The version 5 control works fine, it seems the problem was introduced in version 6. If you encounter this problem with either the ListView or another 3rd party control one workaround is to perform a SSTransition.Refresh or a ListView.Refresh after the transition finishes. This won’t show the control during the transition but will force a refresh afterward. You may also want to contact the control vendor to report the problem.

Too complex regions for SSSplash, SSRibbon and SSCommand:
The SSSplash control uses its Picture property to create an irregularly shaped region for its parent form. The SSRibbon and SSCommand controls use their Shape property (which is also a picture) to create an irregularly shaped region for their windows. There are situations where the region can be too complex for the OS to handle. This is especially true under Windows 95 and 98 in 256-color mode. If you have an image with large areas of a dithered color and one of the solid colors that makes up the dither is the transparent color (which is taken from the bottom/left corner pixel of the control) then the creation of the region may fail. When this happens at design time the SSSplash control will display the following message:

“The window region could not be created which may indicate that it is too complex.

The ActiveSplash control uses the color value of the lower left corner pixel as the transparent color. If this color is also used as part of a dithered color that covers a large area of the image the region may contain too many very small transparent areas. This happens most often in 256-color mode.

If the control's Picture property is set to an icon or metafile try setting the BackColor property to a SOLID color that is not used in dithered areas of the image.

If the Picture property is set to a bitmap try changing the lower left corner pixel to a color that isn't used in dithered areas."

Note: If you are developing under NT the window region creation may succeed but may fail when the application is run under 95 or 98. When this happens at runtime, no error message is displayed and the window reverts to being rectangular.

 For more detailed information, consult the Known Control Issues section of the help file (THREED30.HLP).