ActiveX(TM) Control
This document contains release notes for ActiveTreeView. Information in this document is more current than the on-line Help.
Included Samples
The Samples sub-folder of your product installation folder contains various samples demonstrating the use of the product. Brief descriptions of these can be found in the file Samples Descriptions.htm, located in the Samples folder.
Help Corrections
- In ActiveTreeView help files for the BeforeNodeClick event, it is
stated "Setting cancel to True does not prevent the NodeClick event from being
The NodeClick event is not fired when the BeforeNodeClick event is cancelled
Hot Fix Note:
Hot Fixes may not be included in full suite releases. You may need to
reapply your Hot Fix after you have installed a full suite release.
Issues Addressed:
Use the knowledge base in the Infragistics Support Center
to review the history of addressed issues.
ActiveTreeView - March 4, 2005 -
Hot Fix
SSTree.ocx 1.04.022
ActiveTreeView - May 7, 2004 -
Hot Fix
SSTree.ocx 1.04.021
ActiveTreeView - July 16, 2003 -
Hot Fix
SSTree.ocx 1.04.020
ActiveTreeView - May 1, 2003 -
Hot Fix
SSTree.ocx 1.04.019
ActiveTreeView - March 28, 2003 -
Hot Fix
SSTree.ocx 1.04.018
ActiveTreeView - December 11, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4967 - Tree leaks GDI resources when dragging items with a bitmap
ActiveTreeView - September 19, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4961 - Tree scrolls past the last node
TRE4959 - Memory read error after adding nodes, deleting the parent, and
then adding a child node
ActiveTreeView - July 18, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4958 - Tree not refreshing when using Horizontal Scroll bar via Mouse
ActiveTreeView - July 2, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4957 - Drag and Drop between 2 SSTree's results in a GPF
TRE4954 - Printing takes a long time when there are many nodes in the
ActiveTreeView - May 17, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4847 - Inconsistency between the BeforeNodeClick and the
NodeClick events when NodeSelectionStyle=ssatNodeSelectRange
ActiveTreeView - April 5, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4945 - Plus signs are not displayed when setting
LoadStyleChildren = ssatLoadStyleChildrenAddItem
TRE4908 - + Sign appears for a node which have no children
NOT A BUG - When nodes are added as children of another node, the parent
node's LoadStyleChildren property gets set to ssatLoadStyleChildrenAddItem. If
you want the LoadStyleChildren property to remain none, you must set it back
each time a child node is added.
TRE4728 - Plus sign does not appear if adding child nodes in the Expand
TRE4673 - The plus next to a node remains visible after removing the
children in an additem tree
ActiveTreeView - March 22, 2002 -
Hot Fix
TRE4943 - ActiveTree disappears in the Splitter control
the selected node will not necessarily be displayed when they expand the tree
again so you may want to add the following code:
Private Sub SSSplitter1_SplitterEndDrag()
If Not SSTree1.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
ActiveTreeView - March, 2002
Activation removed.
ActiveTreeView - March, 1 2002
TRE4931 - In ActiveTreeView version 1.04 build 0001, memory error
after nodes are cleared then a child node is added.
ActiveTreeView - January, 2002
TRE4931 - memory error after nodes are cleared then a child node
is added.
- December, 2001
TRE4925 - Popup sample uses mouse down event
TRE4923 - Scrolling with the arrow keys does not cause OnDemand events to
TRE4918 - Added a node using tvwPrevious does not work when the Sorted
property of the Tree is set to anything other than ssatSortNone
TRE4908 - + Sign appears for a node which have no children
TRE4907 - Using Ctrl-V pastes 2 copies of a node instead of just one
TRE4905 - Mouse cursor flickers while dragging the mouse during an
oledrag if setting the screen's mousepointer in the OLE events
TRE4904 - Crash when clearing the tree and re-populating it
TRE4903 - OnDemandMode of tree not working correctly in pre-release build
TRE4894 - Tree takes forever to add nodes with keys
TRE4879 - The BeforeNodeDelete and KeyPress events do not fire in a
Single Document application
TRE4840 - The BeforeNodeDelete and KeyPress events do not fire in a
Single Document application
TRE4827 - BeforeNodeClick event does not fire when NodeSelectionStyle=ssatNodeSelectRange
TRE4542 - ValidateSelection does not fire when you select nodes with the
TRE4472 - When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node
( June, 2001:
- New Product Activation Wizard now backs up and restores activation settings.
( February, 2001:
- New Product Activation Wizard now checks and notifies developer of new product builds
(1.03.005) January, 2001:
4885 - VB gpf's when reset method is called.
4878 - GPF when expanding a node whose image is Nothing.
4877 - Tree in a UserControl on IE 5 doesn't fire the Click event. Also traps the mousdown.
4876 - Tree is not firing beforeNodeClick when a user clicks between the text and icon of a node.
4873 - Fatal Error after deleting a node from the tree, and trying to click on the tree.
4872 - Exposing an ImageList control to sstree control which is on a usercontrol fails with hofix build (102 0024)
4871 - Vertical Scrollbar doesn't work correctly when programatically changing the height of the control.
4868 - Setting Redraw to false, then to true can cause the scrollbar to move to the top. And not move when the user scrolls down.
4864 - Nodes of a Tree inside a DIV disappear when expanded if the DIV is not initially visible.
4861 - Node Text is being cropped when Multiline is true.
4859 - Removing a node that is being dragged leads to an access violation.
4856 - BeforeNodeClick event does not fire when performing a right click on a node in a multiselect tree (NodeSelectionStyle 1 or 2).
4849 - Tree does not paint all nodes and scrollbar locks.
4839 - Error (-2146827908) occurs when attempting to attach the ActiveTreeview control to an ImageList control in MFC.
4834 - Vertical scrollbar appears unnecessarily.
4833 - When setting the dataKey of a node to a non-unique value, you get an error.
4831 - Hotfix 1.02 build 24, vertical scrollbar locks, and does not allow you to scroll down the tree.
4830 - Regression: When setting Expanded = True on a newly added node (set to OnDemandKeep) the OnDemandPrepare and Fetch events no longer fire.
4829 - Indentation of a node is excessively high when using ActiveTreeview in an ATL project.
4825 - Regression: If you set .Expanded = True for a Node while .Redraw = False, the Node will not expand and the +/- box disappears.
4824 - Regression: ImageList property cannot be set at runtime to an ImageList control.
4820 - Expression Uses Dangling Pointer (Bounds Checker bug).
4816 - ImageList property cannot be set at runtime to an ImageList control that is a member of a control array.
4815 - When newline characters are used in a node's text, and MaxLines is less than the number of lines needed to accommodate the text, some of the text disappears, and no horizontal scrollbar appears.
4812 - Userdocument with a TreeView on it attached to an ImageList does not Terminate.
4807 - Not all text for a node is displaying in the tree even though maxlines exceeds the number of lines used.
4806 - Scroll thumb remains at the top when scrolling down.
4803 - Application Error occurs when closing VB if the project contains a usercontrol with an ActiveTreeview using images.
4798 - Scrollbar not displayed when redraw is changed in the collapse event..
4797 - Control beeps when hitting an asterisk.
4796 - When Tree view is resized and node text is wrapped, the last words of the node text get cut off in some cases.
4795 - Node tips are truncated by the edge of the screen; they should negotiate their position based on the control's screen position.
4794 - Setting the 'tooltiptext' of a tree view control at design time causes a GPF when you run the compliled exe project.
4791 - Node images print as black boxes in IE4.01.
4784 - Nodes in treeview become corrupted when repeatedly adding and removing nodes with the same keys.
4780 - ActiveTreeView on a Web page causes a resource leak.
4778 - If Expanding an OnDemand Tree Multiple Levels down, get a blank Row.
4768 - The ReadMe does not list and describe the included samples.
4766 - If the DataKey element of a discardable node isn't set on FetchBuffer.Add, duplicate nodes will appear in the tree.
4762 - After scrolling the ActiveTreeView and deleting an item using the Remove method, item previously at the top of the list is duplicated.
4759 - When resizing a Form with an ActiveTreeView, the scroll thumb of the ActiveTreeView is not correctly sized.
4756 - Setting Redraw to False makes the sccrolbars disappear. This causes a flicker.
4754 - EnsureVisible scrolls you to the right when you try to make the currently selected (and already visible) node visible.
4753 - Display problems when Maxlines is greater than 2.
4751 - Calling a popupmenu in the MouseDown causes the selection to display incorrectly.
4749 - Cannot delete a node when dynamically created in a CView SDI app.
4746 - Node added to the fetchbuffer in OnDemandFetch is being added to the root level instead of the appropriate level.
4745 - If a node is selected, it will remain in the tree even if the OnDemandFetch is fired for its parent and it is not readded to the fetchbuffer.
4740 - Property Page ssppg.dll version 2.0.0068 - Categorized Tab - Enabled should be in the Behavior Section.
4729 - If you click on a node and hit the enter key, the system's default beep event will fire.
4728 - Plus sign does not appear if adding child nodes in the Expand event. Customer claims this used to work.
4722 - Regression: Displaying a modal form in the NodeClick event displays the form, but it does not really get focus.
4721 - Setting the SelectedItem in the AfterNodeDelete event deletes the node you are selecting as well as the node you intended to delete.
4720 - OnDemandFetch fires extraneously when you set the Visible Property of the Tree to True for the first time.
4719 - Tree in OnDemand mode is placing nodes in the wrong places.
4718 - Pre-release version 1.02 build 12 - Plus/Minus sign no longer shows up for root nodes.
4717 - Regression: You can't set ApproximateNodeCount inside the OnDemandFetch or OnDemandPrepare events.
4716 - Invalid keyword "PictureAlignment" in topic "ImagesMaskColor_Property_See_Also".
4715 - OLEDragDrop does not work on the web.
4714 - When using the url properties on an ASP page you can't add a node with an index into the images collection.
4711 - Plus/Minus Sign does not show up until after expanding nodes.
4709 - Node object's 'Expanded' property does not cause children nodes to appear immediately after they are added.
4706 - The sort does not work correctly with characters that have an accent on them.
4705 - 'Enabled' property does not prevent disabled node from expanding when the right arrow key is pressed.
4704 - The value of the 'ApproximateNodeCount' property does not always change to the value it is assigned.
4702 - Nodes cannot be expanded or collapsed via the plus/minus signs when the 'LineStyle' property is set to 0 (ssatTreeLines).
4701 - Unnecessary horizontal scrolling.
4700 - Leading zero in the DEP file.
4698 - Setting the 'ApproximateNodeCount' property to a value > 0 in OnDemand mode causes the 'OnDemandPrepare' and 'OnDemandFetch' events to not fire.
4697 - SSPng.dll is not installed when setup.exe is run.
4472 - When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node appears.
4445 - Text searching does not work in VC.
4433 - The control is using the incorrect ImageList control if two of the same name exist on different forms.
4426 - The Treeview control does not support using an Imagelist control that is on another form.
(1.02.008) February, 1999:
4690 - 'Remove' method is removing more nodes than it is supposed to when the last node in the tree is visible
4687 - When the ScrollStyle property is set to Deferred, the TreeView does not properly scroll. If the user drags the scrollbar and lets go, the position of the scroll bar snaps back to the original position
4683 - VB crashes if you add an image to the internal images collection without a key.
4681 - Nodes are deleted when dragged via OLEDrag
4680 - Tree causes app to hang when maximized if tree is contained within an SSSplitter, and the last node is expanded
4678 - ToolTips interfere with expanding/collapsing nodes via the plus/minus signs
4677 - TreeTips do not appear when the 'ScrollStyle' property is set to 2- ssatScrollStyleScrollTips
4673 - The plus next to a node remains visible after removing the children in an additem tree.
4668 - Setting the SelectedItem to nothing raises an automation error.
4662 - Using the keyboard in multiselect mode causes the subsequent node to become selected instead of moving the focus rect.
4659 - GPF when executing the FetchBuffer object's 'Add' method (NT4 only)
4658 - The word "Initialized" is misspelled in the error message for Error #35613
4657 - DoubleClick event is not generated if the tooltip for a node is displayed.
4656 - Focus rectangle is corrupted when the treeview's contents is scrolled
4655 - An attempt to assign an array to a Node object's 'TagVariant' property crashes VB.
4648 - ActiveTree does not display all nodes when scrolling by clicking under Scroll thumb when NodeText Changes from 2 to 1 lines.
4646 - On-Demand Tree Keeps scrolling if click under scroll thumb after expanding nodes.
4644 - The OnDemand sample does not populate correctly.
4643 - There's a little scrolling quirk when scrolling down causes the Horizontal scroll bar to appear.
4642 - When using Scrolltips on a OnDemandKeep Loadstyle read from a Collection, scrolling to the bottom freezes VB if use ApproximateNodeCount.
4639 - Customer thinks the Nodes repainting is too slow.
4636 - Vert. Scrollbar remains visible when you expand and collapse a node.
4634 - CreateDragIcon is masking the wrong color.
4633 - If you Export a PNG file you Get "Error Loading File" if you try to import it.
4632 - If you delete all the visible nodes and try to scroll back up to the nodes that are visible, Application Error occurs in VB5.exe
4631 - When you have an ActiveTreeview in a VB usercontrol, the keydown event does not fire for the form when hitting Escape.
4630 - Illegal Error (and VB shutdown) occur when you use the internal image list first and then switch to the VB ImageList and then try to switch back to the internal image list.
4629 - When the mouse buttons are reversed, that is, set for a left handed user, our SSTree behaves differently than the MSTree.
4628 - Expanding the nodes in OnDemandFetch causes OnDemandFetch not to fire properly.
4626 - OnDemandFetch does not work correctly when debugging an app.
4624 - Cannot invoke Click event of the menu from menu shortcut key if SSTreeView control has the focus.
4623 - SSTree control looses focus after the confirmation dialog is displayed and closed.
4622 - Last node on the control does not get deleted with the click on DEL key.
4621 - Selected Node/Nodes are deleted before AfterNodeDelete event finishes.
4619 - Cannot display edit window when NodeSelectionStyle property is set to 'Multi'
4618 - First node get selected for a while when you try to select other node.
4617 - Sorted property on the node is not ignored when its LoadStyleChildren is set to value other than 0.
4616 - Newly added nodes are not sorted even though Sorted properties are set.
4613 - AutoSearch not working on DBCS nodes.
4612 - Click on the selected node does not always display the edit window.
4611 - Cannot input DBCS on the edit window of the node.
4610 - If you call EndLabelEdit method inside the BeforeLabelEdit event, UAE or Error occurs.
4609 - OnDemandFetch automatically fires until all the data are loaded when scroll box is dragged to the end.
4607 - If nodes are scrolled with the Up/Down arrow key, nodes do not get discarded and are not requested correctly.
4606 - The buffer can be enlarged but cannot be made small at run-time.
4603 - If NodeSelectionStyle=2, the DragDrop sample project does not work as it should.
4601 - In the OLEDragOver event of Ex-13.vbp, the Effect parameter is being set in code. This should not be set in this event - it has no effect.
4598 - You cannot Remove a node with no text.
4597 - The KeyUp event of the Form is not firing when KeyPreview is set to True.
4596 - OleDragDrop is not working correctly in the ActiveTreeview control.
4595 - Focus shifts to top node when a node is deleted
4594 - The Expand event fires when double clicking on a node with no children.
4593 - Removing a node with a large number of children can cause a GPF.
4592 - Selecting a node and dragging even a tiny little bit within the same node causes the first visible node to become selected also.
4591 - Setting the selected property of a node causes the tree to respond incorrectly to the keyboard (arrow keys).
4587 - Turning off Redraw while adding nodes in Form_Load does not display the node after turning Redraw back on.
4583 - Tree locks up Interdev 6.0 when you click on the Source or QuickView tabs.
4582 - Tree is Blank and GPF's if First Selected Node is hidden and you remove many Nodes
4581 - Tree has display problems when the horizontal scroll bar automatically appears to accommodate long node text
4580 - Tree GPF's if you apply a CTRL-C or or a CTRL-X on a Node with no node text
4578 - Right clicking on the tree does not fire the OnContextMenu event of the container it is in.
4577 - Keypress, Keydown and Keyup do not fire if KeyPreview is true and the treeview did not have focus before StartLabelEdit was invoked.
4576 - The node click event is not firing when the tree loses focus and then gets it back by clicking on a node.
4573 - The VB DragDrop sample keeps the wrong item focused when selecting another item.
4572 - The ActiveTreeView is not receiving the window message WM_CONTEXTMENU.
4570 - Beginning a Drag operation in the MouseDown event ses the selected node to the previously selected node in the SSTree.
4569 - If multiselecting Nodes in the SSTree, then right-clicking to show a popup menu, the last item selected no longer seems to be selected.
4566 - If you use the OnDemand Sample and clik rapidly from one node to the next, sometimes the node you click on does not select.
4565 - Pictures Not Visible unless IndentationStyle = ssatLockToImageWidth and Indented for Images not there
4563 - When OLEDragOver begins, the mouseicon does not change.
4556 - If you display a popupmenu in the MouseDown event to do a LabelEdit, the Edit is cancelled immediately.
4555 - If you store an Array in the TagVariant of a node, you cannot change the value of any elements in the array.
4546 - BeforeNodeClick fires twice if you try to display a modal form in a single-select tree.
4544 - You get script errors when trying to access images in Treeview in IE4 SP1.
4542 - ValidateSelection does not fire when you select nodes with the keyboard.
4539 - Beginning a Drag in the mousemove causes the selected node to bounce to the previously selected node.
4537 - Expand event does not fire when Redraw is False
4536 - Double clicking on a node which causes a change in its location selects a new node on the MouseUp.
4535 - Horizontal Scroll Bar gets corrupted if you resize the control at run time.
4534 - Ex-05.vbp GPF's if you try to look at the property pages of the Tree.
4528 - When on an MDIForm, images added via the Images tab in the custom property pages are not persisted.
4527 - Programmatically scrolling down by setting the TopNode property eventually causes the vertical scrollbar's thumb to shrink.
4522 - IndentationStyle property removes the PICTURE instead of the IMAGE of a node.
4520 - The sample nodes are not drawn when the control is first placed on the form.
4517 - Scrollbars are showing up unnecessarily when adding and removing nodes and using Redraw
4516 - OnDemandPrepare fires when it does not need to under certain circumstances.
4515 - ActiveTreeView takes 4x as long to populate as the Microsoft Treeview when populating large numbers of nodes.
4513 - ATV is eating the KeyPress even when KeyPreview is True
4512 - When you nest a frameset with a treeview in one frame within another frameset, IE4 locks up.
4510 - OLEDragDrop loses selection with Mulit-Select
4507 - Tooltips intefere with Drag and Drop.
4472 - When setting the datakey to a nonunique value, only one node appears.
The following is a
list of changes made since the previous version. Please see the
help file for complete descriptions and examples.
Version 1.02
Keyboard changes have been modified as shown in the table below,
changes are bolded.
Keystroke | ssatNodeSelectSingle | ssatNodeSelectMulti | ssatnodeSelectRange | |||
ESCAPE | Cancels selection | Cancels selection | Cancels selection | |||
DOWN | Focus & Selection moved to next node |
Focus & Selection moved to next node |
Focus & Selection moved to next node |
CTRL+DOWN | Scrolls without moving selection |
Scrolls without moving selection |
Scrolls without moving selection |
SHIFT+DOWN | Focus & Selection moved to next node |
Selection Extends including the node that has focus |
Selection Extends including the node that has focus |
SPACE | Toggles node selection state |
Toggles node selection state |
Toggles node selection state |
CTRL+SPACE | Toggles node selection state |
Toggles node selection state |
Toggles node selection state |
Left Click | Focus & Selection moved to clicked node |
Focus &
Selection moved to clicked node |
Focus & Selection moved to clicked node |
CTRL+Left Click |
Focus & Selection moved to clicked node |
Adds node to
selection |
Adds node to
selection |
- Control now supports the use of
the ImageList control inside Internet Explorer
- Two new properties, ImagesURL and PictureBackgroundURL have
been added to support asynchronous downloading of images. See the
help file for more information.
There is a known issue with the way the Visual Studio 6 Class
Wizard generates function declarations for functions which
contain parameters that are pointers to enumerated constants. If
the parameter's data type is VT_PI2 (pointer to a short integer),
the Class Wizard erroneously declares the type as VT_PI4 (pointer
to an long integer). The following modifications must be made to
work around this problem:
1. Change the parameter's data type in the class constructor's
"Generated message map functions" section. For example:
afx_msg void OnValidateSelectionSstree1(long FAR* SelectionType,
FAR* Cancel);
should be changed to:
afx_msg void OnValidateSelectionSstree1(short FAR* SelectionType,
FAR* Cancel);
2. Change the parameter's data type in the implementation file's
"BEGIN_EVENTSINK_MAP" section. For example:
ON_EVENT(CAddItemDlg, IDC_SSTREE1, 1212 /*ValidateSelection*/,
should be changed to:
ON_EVENT(CAddItemDlg, IDC_SSTREE1, 1212 /*ValidateSelection*/,
3. Change the parameter's data type in the actual implementation
of the function: For example:
void CAddItemDlg::OnValidateSelectionSstree1(long FAR*
SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode,
should be changed to:
void CAddItemDlg::OnValidateSelectionSstree1(short FAR*
SelectionType, LPDISPATCH FAR* StartNode, LPDISPATCH FAR* EndNode,
- There is a limitation in IE of
data, which 4.0 SP1 of 4K for binary data stored on a page. Due
to this limit you can't load the ActiveTreeView control if there
is more than 4K typically will occur if you are saving images to
the pagePictureBackgroundURL properties to download . To avoid
this limitation you should use the new ImagesURL and images from
a URL.
- There appears to be no way to support 16 x 16 icons through the
prop pages using the standard picture object. If you
take a standard VB form picture property and attempt to load a 16x16
ico file it will also be stretched to 32 x 32. The work around is
to load a 16x16 bmp file into the prop page image list
THEN load up 16x16 ico files.
- You may also experience problems if you change the default font
at design time. The solution to this problem is to set any font
properties at runtime using VB Script.